Sunday, December 18, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Holidays seem to put a rush on things: seasonal activities, traditions (new and old, and some I wonder why we ever keep), Christmas cards to write and gifts to wrap. Being abroad means it is a transitional time. Most families move in the summer, but each child has a friend moving this Christmas. Add in final playdates and teaching the children how to say goodbye have filled the remaining time. 

I am so thankful school is out for three weeks. I love having the children about. I have spent some time looking at homes near the school in case we leave the bungalow. I've viewed so. so. many. None I am thrilled about. But the commute isn't great for Dan or the children anymore, and with Maeser going to school next year it seems like a bad idea to put him on a bus for so long... unless I could somehow get him to nap everyday on the way home from school. It seems the time with the children is so precious and I've had such strong promptings lately to be mindful of my time with them. 

I am thankful for the Spirit. I'll admit, I'm the first to chase the Spirit away with anger or impatience, but the moments when it is present are precious. This week I have felt the Spirit confirm my work in the home, as a mother. This week I have felt relief as I have asked for help or inspiration. This week I have received direct promptings concerning my calling or one of the children. I know, that by the Spirit, and only the Spirit, I can be taught the more important truths of the Gospel and not be laden down by the mundane or absorbent nature of life. It's like adding a pinch of salt to the pot, just a sprinkling of the Spirit brings flavour and joy to any task.

This week also had some highs and lows. I spent some time in tears on Friday. I am so thankful for Jeremiah's decision to call. (Let's put the elephant in the middle of the room, shall we.) I know families are essential to this experience on Earth. I know that our family unit: Mom, Dad, Ann, Christy, Jeremiah, Spencer- have a divine calling to strengthen and lift each other. Moroni talks about this in Chapter 6 vs 4. It is often referenced to fellowshipping, but is very applicable to families. "...and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ..." Focus on that one purpose- "To keep them in the right way." We can't complete this task unto salvation on our own. All of us will be dependant on each other at some time. I only wish I could have been a strength sooner.

I am excited that so many in the family will be together this week. I sent some favorite Christmas books to mom and really. good. chocolate. They had better enjoy them together (literally) and think of me. 

Merry Christmas.

We eat our hotdogs angrily.

Jingle bells. Fairly certain Mary's teacher was cursing me every time Mary walked by. The bells were so annoying!

Making cookies with the missionaries. Had I known they were such bad sous chefs I would never have invited them to help. We've had egg shells in almost. every. cookie.

Trying to encourage Abe to be a little more prompt...

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