I am still struggling a bit with Gospel Doctrine. I need to find a way to teach with a variety of engaging activities while covering the lesson material. Sometimes I have a great class, lots of participation and comments from class members that surprise me and I really learn something. And other times, like today, when I think the class is lasting forever or someone has fallen asleep or I didn't have an activity or object lesson planned. Who knew adults where so hard to keep engaged!
We are taking the teacher council class. I love it. It is only offered once a month during 3rd hour, it is the new church program that will replace "Come follow me." as a teacher training manual. We had an area authority attend class today and he gave examples from the training/meetings he has with apostles. He said he always has a reading assignment before attending a meeting with Elder Bednar, and he is always given an assignment which is supposed to be completed before the discussion, in addition he always leaves each meeting with an assignment or an invitation to apply what was discussed.
I think members probably take assignments more seriously when given by an apostle rather than their Sunday school teacher.
The global Convention is wrapping up tomorrow. Relieved that it went so well, and that it is over for another year. I think now that it is finished Dan's stamina will end and the colds/flu will finally catch up with him. Everyone else has had a bit of the bug... good to have it over with before the holidays. The holidays! Christmas is two weeks away!
We celebrated Mary's belated birthday this evening. She has really had a birthday week, with a bit of celebration throughout, but the cake was this evening. It was fun to have so much family around. She felt very special. I can't believe she is 10. On her birthday I woke up and actually cried. So thankful for her and so sad that she is growing up so fast. She actually wants to be a TEENAGER! only 3 more years!
She is starting to grow up. She is very sensitive to the needs of others, is always willing to help and watches out for those around her. But she is also more sensitive to change. The Bishop is moving. His wife has been Mary's primary teacher this year. The teachers would have changed anyway in two weeks, but today was her last day in our ward and Mary was in tears. I wanted to hold her and cheer her up, but it was actually very sweet that she had such a strong bond with her Primary teacher. We need to get better with goodbyes. We have them often, but that doesn't make them easier.
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