Sunday, December 18, 2016

It's December!

We are back from Switzerland, where we stayed in a 200 year old farmhouse on the mountain and the barn was full of goats and sheep. It was awesome, in a Heidi kind of way. The children loved it. I loved that they got to experience something new. We went walking or hiking in the mountains every day. What a beautiful world we live in.

Abe was baptised.

When everyone wakes up for breakfast at 3am it's gonna be a cheese plate and bread from the bakery down the hill.

The cat was a favorite.

Family selfie.

The holidays are fast approaching. The tree went up this afternoon and Scout exclaims "It's
Mas-mas!" every time she enters the room.

I'd write more, but I could sum up our week by saying: jet lag and colds don't mix. 

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