Saturday, June 6, 2020

Isolation: Singapore to Provo

As if 2020 didn't need any more highlights- here's our week in moments because we seem to move from one event to another.

Today we finish our quarantine and grandma and grandpa Skousen are coming up for dinner. Mom decided that yesterday was long enough and she came up with Dad to help us strip our deck. After 8 hours of work, it looks beautiful. There are still hours left to go.

It's a cold rainy day today. The children are all happily cold and wishing it was cold enough for snow.

More moments:
Last Saturday morning we watched Space X launch a rocket with American astronauts and began stripping the paint from the deck.
Provo bakery delivered fresh apple fritters to mom and dad's and they drove them up with a few tools from dad's garage. It's supper handy knowing someone with tools and the knowledge to use them.
I finished reading the book Persuasion.
Abe and Mary finished school on Tuesday and we are officially on summer break.
We took the first of many hikes this summer. Despite his complaints, Moses walked the whole way. As we crested hills, "Yay, it's not uphill." Then was completely exasperated as the downhill rolled back into an uphill.

We shared a few excerpts of protests and riots from across the country with the older children- which led to many conversations about ignorance, privilege, and change. We are determined to learn and be better informed.

It's great up here and smells so good. 


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