Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Quick Decisions

I can't remember much of last week before Tuesday. On Tuesday the airlines cancelled our flights to the USA and by the Wednesday we had them rebooked for Sunday night. The house buzzed with summer preparations, finishing kindergarten, packing, moving Sam and Celeste into our house and general chaos.  The mostly empty flights were a breeze, everyone stretched out and slept a good portion of the long flight.

Now that we're here, Mary and Abe will continue to attend classes in the evenings and late nights until school is officially out on June 5th. We are in a quasi-quarantine situation- avoiding people but able to go outside and play or exercise. It feels so good to be outside! After almost 3 months of staying home and sometimes exercising solo we are all enjoying the mountain. I love walking with Dan and the children. I also love that the children are so tired when they go to bed- bonus, I only need to wait a few minutes for them to be asleep. 

We have a small renovation project in process at the cabin. The decks have been rotting away and I hope the new pavers are in soon. Demolition doesn't take very long. Tearing out the old decks took less than a day, and now its taking days of hard labor to level and grade, pour new footings, lay new ground cover and pavers. There's a bit of an analogy here. 

Funny things overheard:

Maeser, "I don't have any more long sleeve pants."

Moses stargazing at 3am, "The moon stays in Singapore. It doesn't come to our cabin."

And this conversation was on my birthday.
On that morning Moses and Ransom played (illegally) at Julie's. They hadn't seen each other in two months during social distancing and circuit breaker. Julie filmed Ransom as Moses walked up to the door and they were both ecstatic.
"You're back! Did you have fun at Ransom's house?"
"Yes! His familwy learned him stuff."
"Oh, really? What did he learn."
Moses, "Legos... How to pway nice. Can I go back?"

His famiwy learned him stuff. What? I love this! What have I learned from my family in during this period of time? Is my growth as obvious as Ransom's, I doubt it, but I hope it's there nonetheless. What an opportunity this is.

We've settled into our cabin and put things in their places. After not being here for two years, it seems like home and yet seems like a lot of things are misplaced- obviously because we rented it out to strangers. Most of the time, changes are insignificant, but I did notice that guests had carved initials into trees. That made me a little sad. Overall, we have loved loved being here and can't wait to see family.

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