Monday, May 14, 2018

Beaches and Race Day

I love a lot of things about Dan's lifestyle. It's relatively healthy, he eats a lot of protein. Now that I think about it, he eats a lot of carbs too, but he pushes protein.

He is very active. The children aren't showing any potential as professional athletes, but they do like to be outside. Living in a very hot climate is usually a deterrent to outdoor activities, so we've learned to be out early in the morning and hit the pool in the afternoon. 

Dan is disciplined and sets goals, frequently. Often in the form of a race. This weekend he had a short race in Bintan and we all decided to go watch. This is probably one of my favorite parts about Dan's hobby. We spent the day on the beach, watched him start and swim in the ocean and transition to the bike. As he biked we hit the pool and then cheered as he made two laps on the run. It was a great weekend finished off with rifle shooting, archery and the children's FIRST game of bowling!

As we took the ferry back to Singapore my mind began to reel again, vacation mode is such a breath of fresh air! 

Feeling so thankful for family.

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