Monday, May 21, 2018

A perfect week comes with the good, the bad and the ugly.

Our lives speed up as we prepare to put things on hold to travel this summer. School commitments, final field trips, moving friends and goodbyes have all peaked this week. 

I've thought about consulting a sleep specialist in the states because Moses has decided he doesn't need more than a few REM cycles a night- which is reeking havoc on my emotional stability. It's like having a 4 month old who you can't sleep train!

I heard of an old friend that needed a visit and packed the children to go play. It has been several months since I have been in a home with so much physical need. Singapore doesn't accept refugees or immigrants on a permanent basis, but that doesn't mean that everyone earns a steady or sufficient income. Her home looks like any other from the outside but there are stark differences after entering. It is a one bedroom apartment for a family of 4 with two very small children. The floor is unfinished cement, rougher than the path we walk to school on. There is no air conditioning and the shower shares the same space as the toilet- upside, you can clean the bathroom every time someone takes a bath! I was so inspired by this woman, a happy mom caring for a 5 month old baby and a 3 year old under very difficult circumstances. We visited and played for 3 hours and over the course of our conversation she said, "It's so nice to have food in the kitchen, Sean makes enough money that I can go grocery shopping!" I wondered about her past and how uncomfortable her circumstances have been.

As I left, I thought about happiness, and misery. I don't think I purposefully choose misery, but I definitely don't always choose happiness.  Through the fall we are "made partakers of misery.." for "the [devil] seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."  and yet, "Adam fell that ... [we] might have joy." God intends for me to find joy in all my tasks and responsibilities, to find the good and the uplifting. Life goals and baby steps. Applied to the lack of sleep we're getting or the parenting fails- we're learning patience, apathy, and we'll be darn good experts by the end!

On Friday night, we checked out the race track next to where we live. Like golf, it uses an incredible amount of space and attracts old people. Dan remarked that it would make the perfect place to run. 

Today's highlight, Mary lost a tooth, and was just as excited about it as if it was her first.

An icecream trolly sits outside the back gate of our school. The sales man could probably could probably teach a class on strategic planning.

And it was my birthday. It really couldn't have been improved upon, except to have spent some of it with you guys. 

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