Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mid February

Signed Abe up for a Chinese Tutor, it was a long 1.5 hour session. The tutor thought the lesson was supposed to be 2 hours. Poor Abe was so tired, he spent the whole time practicing tones... ba-, ba\, bav, ba_. It seems like nothing compared to what their peers are doing. Mary and Abe invited a friend over from church. He studies for two hours every night, after dinner! (He is Korean) An hour of english and an hour of math! The most disciplined and on task child I have ever met.

Our gardener disappeared... or is just avoiding our lawn. He just stopped showing up. Had a new guy come and cut the entire lawn with just a weed eater! It took him 4 hours. There is now enough cut grass in the back that the children throw it like snowballs. So itchy.

I got sick (starting to feel like Job).  I thought it was an itchy eye, turned out to be shingles! The worst, I could use an eye patch- one with skull and cross-bones preferable. Dan cancelled his trip to Korea this week, he's taking over the night feedings with Moses. I think that will do him in. :)

Mary got a letter in the mail from Denmark, postdated December 5th, it took more than 2.5 months to get here.

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