Saturday, March 5, 2016

Leap Year!

Quotes from this week:

Maeser successfully doing bum-sits on the trampoline, "It's a Miracle!"
Scout enthusiastically ran in, "Mama, Mama! Ishburg ba da lashg me. Uh huh."
"Scout! How did you get out of bed?!"
"Uh huh."
"Did you get out by yourself."
"Uh huh." (Proudly runs back to demonstrate.)
Ugg, a new era has arrived.

Just said prayer for lunch, helping Scout.
Thank you for the food. "Food."
Please bless daddy. "Bless daddy."
Please bless Maeser. "Bless daddy."
Thank you for our house. "Bless daddy."
Please bless the food. "Bless daddy."

Southern dinner- fried chicken and waffles.

Leaving the ward Valentine party and Maeser in tears... "But Valentine wasn't there!"

Dropping a sorry Maeser off at school, "Can you come get me in just a little time? Before I have to talk Chinese?"

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