Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17

I am thankful for Mary.

She learned how to ride a bike today. I am so proud of her. Mary is a quiet girl, quick to observe, she wants to please others and she can be very determined. She is a fantastic helper. She tries very hard to be obedient and she relishes praise. I haven't quite figured out what motivates her all the time. Sometimes it's friends, sometimes a book or movie. Time with dad is always a go, but it is hard to use that as just a reward.

I am thankful Mary loves to write notes. She writes "I love you." on everything. Yesterday she brought home a note from school. It was a secret note- all taped up. She said that someone in her class made a note for me. I asked who and she said it was just one of the girls in her class. Of course it was from Mary, but I guess she couldn't figure out how to deliver a secret note to me any other way. It was adorable.

1 comment:

Alyosha said...

Oh, I love her. She is a lot like Caelyn, I think. And Abe is a lot like Zerah, so she'll have plenty to deal with! That's great that she learned how to ride a bike! Was it good motivation to see her little brother doing it?