Sunday, February 21, 2021

Words on my mind:

Loneliness. After months of visiting through glass walls and windows at her retirement facility, my grandmother moved into my parent’s home. She is a bright eyed and brilliant woman who has lived through so much during her 91 years. This past year alone, she has experienced so much grief. Not only did Covid separate us from her but her husband passed away just as this pandemic began to put up so many barriers. She has moved through all the stages of grief and into widowhood effectively on her own. This moment was the first we’d talked face to face in so very long.

Hope. I am inspired by her resilience and frank resolve to wait for the good. Despite the constrained visits, she constantly looked forward to better times.

Desire. This transition brings about a lot of feelings. I am reminded that each has a desire to be loved and to be with family. Like many in advanced years, she needs daily physical help. Grandma’s strongest desire was to be with family despite all the risks involved with moving home. We feel so lucky that vaccinations finally came and have been administered. Separation is painful and inevitable but hopefully just temporal.

Sacrifice. Sacrifice is the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important. It is easy to see the sacrifice Grandma has made the last few months. I also recognize the sacrifice my parents have made as they’ve taken on the role of caregivers for Grandma. I know this is both a privilege and a burden... and the greatest act of love.

Love. Sometimes her mind isn’t as clear as it used to be, I count this as a blessing. It may have helped pass the time among strangers or while she waited for family to visit. Sometimes she doesn’t know who I am or confuses me with my mom, but her feelings for family are never misconstrued. Grandma is full of love and you can feel it.

Joy. That’s all that’s left. It’s contagious.

Welcome home, Grandma!

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