I shouldn't complain about home based learning for school, SAS is very supportive and I don't have to go through lessons in Chinese or German... but starting tomorrow, the littlest children will start online integration with their distance learning. Meaning, I will be in class as they are too young to be online solo, I'm effectively repeating Kindergarten and 2nd Grade.
Mary is on her own from 9-3:00, and she's a star! She is staying on track so well. It didn't bother me until last Friday afternoon when she said, "Mom, this is kind of lonely." I just sit in my room all day, I don't like distance learning." Face palm... I need to check on her more regularly.
Also, I briefly mentioned Moses' discretions last week, and I'm sad to say this week's altercations aren't much improved. I feel armed and ready for next week... I've asked Sarah (and an additional 3 friends) what she does for Oscar and I feel empowered. This week I've got timers and buzzers and games and structured "play" time... My phone has three new alarms to remind me to get a visual on the little Titan who is monopolising our schedule.
Saturday morning, Abe and Maeser and I rode bikes for hours. A month ago, Abe left his bike on campus during Spring Break, we never returned to class, he never picked up his bicycle... now Campus is officially closed with metal grates, steel road blocks and security. On Friday morning, as we approached the fortress that campus has become, Abe became increasingly concerned that he wouldn't be returning home with his bike. A valid concern as he had to beg for the security to walk his bike to the front gate. 20 minutes later and his efforts proved fruitful.
So we biked. Maybe illegally, as exercise is supposed to be limited to your immediate neighbourhood, but neither boy complained as we biked for hours up to the Causeway and waterfront. Moses was also thrilled to walk on Saturday morning. He enthusiastically ran to get his shoes and said, "Mom, you never take me on walks!" True. The boy hasn't left our yard in two weeks... which is a much better situation than friends staying in apartment buildings without yards or being in Manila.
On the record front, Dan set two fitness records this week (bike and run) while I lost my longest streak logging data on Fenton's App. I think I was more disappointed at forgetting to log meals yesterday than Dan was at actually only coming in at his 3rd fastest time for his time trial on the trainer.
While the rest of us swim, Dallin waits patiently for his ear infection to clear up.
Bedtime stories read by Scout, selection limited to stories by Mo Willems.
And then made dinner from 3 recipes found in a magazine.
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