Sunday, February 16, 2020

An over due update.

Despite having occasional conversations with family, I feel like I haven't kept up to date the last few weeks. Some of the time consuming events have included:
  • Women's Conference Work and then the cancelation of Women's Conference in Taiwan
  • This flu-like virus that is stretching from China with tentacles reaching as far as Bangkok and Doha to interrupt schedules and events, Dan had some training meetings in Korea- cancelled, Bangkok- cancelled, and Oman- also cancelled
  • A forthcoming race for Dan. His training schedule has been undeterred and he leaves on Tuesday for a race in Muscat, hopefully to remain as scheduled next weekend. I am no longer traveling as support crew because the most prudent course of action would be to keep at least one parent in the country at all times with the children.
  • Maeser turning 8 AND having a long awaited birthday party. (If you are unaware of our birthday party policy, they only happen every 4 years.)
  • Maeser getting baptised! Dan baptised him after church last Sunday and Mary and Abe were the witnesses. 
  • Making summer plans, signing up for sports camps, calendaring family reunions, booking flights... the works.
  • Taxes. Nuff said.
  • Hosting YSA FHE nights and new to Singapore friends.
  • Primary meetings and activities.
  • Reading and some research. I know it is a luxury to have time to read, I'm thankful for it. 
    • The Lord's Question
    • Women and the Priesthood
    • Jesus The Christ
    • Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (Reading as board for MIMB)
    • The Coddling of the American Mind
    • The Courage to be Disliked
    • Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
    • We Are Still Alive (research with Sage)
    • Second Nephi
Sorry for the lists, I doubt that is why you are reading. I'm just glad I've made it this far in an attempt to record anything this week. I'll end with two (maybe three) thoughts from books I'm reading and a quote from Scout.

From Invisible Women, "... an other example of how much a diversity of experience at the top- matters to everyone." We can't all have the same experiences and expect to get the same results. 

Chapter 5 of Women and the Priesthood: "In The [Church], women are integral to Church leadership and governance. And because of the Church's lay leadership, actively participating members are all enrolled in what is essentially an ongoing leadership training program. A woman serving a a counsellor in a stake Young Women presidency may next be called to teach Sunday school or Primary or to work in the library. One of the reasons Latter-day Saints can mobilise so quickly in times of disaster is that we learn to lead, and we also learn to follow. Over time, we learn how to do whatever the Lord needs us to do." (emphasis added)

"It must be disturbing to see friends replaced with strangers, but all are welcome and all must be cherished." Seemed quite applicable to horizontal interpersonal relationships at the moment. Something I'm focusing on.

And last, in a serious conversation with Scout this week, "I can't be a mom. I don't know how to make breakfast." That just about wraps up my qualifications. 

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