Sunday, December 1, 2019

It's December.

In an effort to focus on the most important things this year, we started an advent calendar last night. Julie had a great idea to plan a family activity for every day of the month. So I copied her and made our own list. At breakfast we read the daily task. The month is full of things like game nights and service projects and reading Christmas stories- I conveniently scheduled things like "Have a Christmas Party" on the days with the Church party, or "Attend a Christmas Concert" on the night Mary is in the Nutcracker. More to come on this new favorite.

Also this week:

Moses turned 4.

We celebrated Thanksgiving.

Hosted Pie Night... it was out of control. Not sure how many people we can effectively host, but it's for sure less than ~60. (Julie was supposed to host, but their family was 50/50 with the flu and a last minute venue change brought it to our house.)

Decorated and demolished IKEA gingerbread houses. The ginger bread was surprisingly good.

Bought our tickets for next summer break. (Really early this year.)

And I just finished off the pumpkin and banana cream pies for breakfast.

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