Monday, December 10, 2018

Bus rides and birthday parties.

Highlights, again. Most of our days are routine. 

Mary's party was on Friday night. A party planned, prepared and executed by 12 year old girls is bound to have a lot of food. She planned a Secret Santa Baking Party: lots of cupcakes, pizza, doorbell ditching and games.

Abraham forgot to pick up Maeser after school on Thursday.  Poor Abe, I tried to allow natural consequence be the punishment, after stopping at 4 different homes and having Abe knock on the door, he began crying in the car saying he'd lost Maeser. By the time we found him, Maeser had been waiting in the school office for an hour and then walked himself "home" but stopped at a friends house on the way, Abe was so anxious. Here's hoping he never forgets again.

Mary also graduated, officially, from Primary. In our church culture that is such a big step, bringing new responsibilities and it's crazy to think that she'll start hanging out with 16 and 17 year old girls several times a month. Totally not ready for her to be growing up so fast. 

Dan's making a quick trip to the USA today and hitting the Philippines on the way back on Saturday, I'm glad he'll get to see you. I forgot to make sure he booked our tickets before he left! Mary got her temple recommend and is so excited to go with Caelyn, Juliana and Zerah.

With the two little growing out of naps, we've started adventuring more. We're usually good for a couple days and then everyone is overly tired and we crash and burn for long naps on the third day. On Monday I took the bus on a test route (during their naps) to figure out how to get to the shopping center and back all by bus or trains. Moses is really into cars and I thought he would love it. On Wednesday when I tried again with the children, we immediately got on the wrong bus and it took us an extra 40 minutes to get to the store. I imagined tears and fussy kids but Moses loved every minute of it. We even got all our errands in (post office, hair cut for Moses, playground and picnic).

I tried the bus again on Sunday, leaving early for Ward Council. I've been spoiled and never had to take public transportation to church because I usually have a car full of children. But because I was the only one going early I took the bus. 60 minutes later (the projected time of arrival) I had already missed two bus stops on two different busses and was footing it the rest of the way. I really think I could have made it without any errors, but I mistakenly thought I could get my scripture study done on the way and I kept missing my stops. I was trying to research the amount of effort it would take for a single mom to come to church, by bus, for extra activities. I'm sure if I had to make that trip weekly with children, by myself, then I would rarely come. I imagine I have more faith than that, but arriving childless, out of breath and ready for a shower wasn't a pleasant experience. Not to mention that she would need to take the bus home. Her combined efforts to get to church would double her church block. Some women are unbelievably faithful and strong!

We found time to decorate and demolish a gingerbread house. Photo essay follows. Self explanatory.

Oh, and just a funny moment. I'm sure no one has a closet as pared down as Dan's, haha.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Lost teeth and girl's camp.

Mary went to girls' camp! And she turns 12 in 3 days! Hardly holding back tears over here. The YW came in to primary to pick up a classmate who turned 12 last week and I cried, I'm dreading next week. Her leaders were so kind and she had great time camping. (Camp here is done after school for two days with over night camping on the beach and a fireside on Sunday evening. The whole thing is stretched over 4 days.)
And in speaking of blessings, I've felt so thankful for her brother's this week.
Maeser lost another tooth. Life as a 7 year old is always exciting.
Abraham had his 4th grade Holiday Concert. It was brilliant. He wanted to go dressed in a suit and jacket, but settled for  slacks, dark shirt and bow tie. He either dresses to the nines or wears basketball shorts. He was adorable.
Saturday morning we picked up trash in the field behind our house as part of the light the world campaign. Love that it kicked off the season for us. We collected 10 bags of trash and had to pack it out before Abe's lacrosse tournament.

Keeping a Record

I want to remember my feelings from last Sunday. 

It began as a normal day, as the day went on I felt more and more discouraged, not patient enough at home, not doing enough good or forgetting to be mindful, inadequate in my calling, feeling that there wasn't a lot of joyful gospel living in our home... even knowing that discouragement is a tool of the adversary, I couldn't shake my feelings and was close to tears (or crying) all day. 

My prayers were fervent. Pleading for consolation, affirmation and my heart felt soft and impressionable. I distinctly remember testimonies that were shared during Sacrament meeting. Women who bore their testimonies about families, blessings that come from following the prophet's counsel, blessings that come from being obedient, an invitation to record promptings and impressions from the Spirit. How is it that we can have such strong desires to repent and have the Spirit with us when we desperately feel that we need God? But when things are going well, and there is joy and peace that despite our desire to be near God, we don't seek him as fervently. 

In joy do we need Him less? I don't think so, I think the Lord wants us to remember him, to have mighty prayer and just as much determination to draw closer to Him even outside of those lower moments. We know all will sin or face discouragement, that is part of this mortal experience, and I know I experience so much growth during those moments (days). 

Post-experience by a few days and I'm thankful for the tender moments that came from it. Long prayers, an unprompted hug from Dan in the kitchen, pure testimonies from friends, family (that are good friends) over for dinner, primary teachers that love our children and welcome Mary into YW (aaack!), quiet moments in study and prayer, and a clear understanding that I desperately desire to have the Spirit with me during highs and lows, a yearning to live joyfully. More laughter, more smiles, moments when our children feel pure love and acceptance in our home. I am thankful for an assurance that in moments when I am weakest and most unlovable that Dan is constant and true. 

I have so much to be thankful for. God, I am blessed.