Monday, November 5, 2018


Moses, patient zero over here, has successfully spread a cold to everyone in our house and Sunny and Ransom. Julie is trying desperately not to get sick so Ransom has come over here to play ever since he became symptomatic. They got nervous when his breathing became really shallow on Saturday, but the doctor said it was just a virus.

It isn't so bad being sick with Imelda around. Even when I get sick the meals still get prepped and the grocery shopping gets done. I hope she doesn't catch it.

Wednesday was Halloween and per usual the Woodlands hosted Singapore and Malaysia for the night.  We joined forces with Derrick and Julie and handed out more than 8000 pieces of candy. (We order wholesale from a candy man and ask Imelda and Jenny to hand out single pieces. There was some confusion and some of the candy delivered wasn't candy but menthol cough drops!) Too bad the American neighbourhood can't be known for Easter or Thanksgiving instead of Halloween. Speaking of Thanksgiving- I ordered our Turkey. Yes, it takes weeks to get one and then they don't even fit in our ovens, many families have them baked at the school cafeteria.

The crowds.
But not at our house. We close up shop early.

Last night Dan told the children he'd pay they $15 per lb of candy. Mary just handed me 3.5 lbs. 
I took a class on Wednesday, that morning I was hesitant to go because Moses was so sick, and then regretted going because I began feeling sick while there. Does it seem like someone is always down with something? I spent another evening combing lice out of a neighbour's hair. And then came home to wash my own hair with hopes of avoiding any bugs myself.

Mary's last cross-country meet was on Tuesday and basketball tryouts began today. She would love to be in the school play and would choose it over a sports team, but Dan and I are both hoping she makes the team.
Abe plays lacrosse twice a week.

The beautiful city we live in.

Sunday bread with dad.

Thursdays mean rugby games, juice boxes and naps in the car.

From his mother he gets some athletic aptitude, from his father this thing where he sticks out his tongue when he concentrates. Might be a bad combination.


My motto this week has been "try, try, try..." Life is good. 

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