12 things I am thankful for.
Bedtimes. The routines, expectations, chaos and then stillness of the whole event.
Growth. Both physical and spiritual. Mary got a PR in XC this week, dedicated practice has reaped faster times since the beginning of the year. I, on the other hand, was repeatedly humbled by my vices and found peace in simply acknowledging my mistakes. Growth is never comfortable.
Childhood. I spend most of my day with little people. Their expectations are low, the laughter contagious, and with just a few snacks, outdoor playtime and a nap they'll be more content than 99% of the adults I'll talk to in a day.
The little hug and an "I love you", from Moses on Tuesday.
Good friends. Sisters count as friends too.
Phone calls.
The words, "I'm sorry."
Warm chocolate chip cookies. Mary has a science experiment that requires a lot of baking.
Swimming pools. And that Moses can swim.
My home. Not always quiet, but it is peaceful and still. Nap time for the smalls and on the way up I noticed so many moments from our morning, evidence of little people- dolls, crayons, handprints, cars. Their lives are beautiful.
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