Monday, October 29, 2018


I mentioned to Dan that I wanted a book, one we can't buy here. But then during my prayers I received a distinct impression of where to look for said book, we had a copy! on the shelf! I'd forgotten that Grandma Skousen had given me a copy of the book two summers ago. It was just like the experiences you'd share in primary about receiving inspiration while you are praying or reading your scriptures. I was so thankful for that small moment.

Dan sent me these photos from our trip to Perth. We drove out to some sand dunes to do some sledding, Abe's favourite part of the trip. We had been warned to take goggles. 

Dan ran into a jellyfish and the Perth temple.

The school boarders a Nature Preserve and couple times a year animal control is called to remove snakes or monkeys from campus. Last week Abe's class was at PE when the teacher saw a large reticulated python near the wall. She moved all of the children to a safe distance so they could watch the snake climb back over the wall. They watched his unsuccessful attempts and then animal control came to take him away. Abe never mentioned the event and I didn't hear about it until a letter arrived from school saying they do their best to keep campus safe and they routinely check for animals every. single. day. Oy Vey!

Mary had her final Rugby game and her last Cross Country race is this week.
Dan subbed for early morning seminary and we had our Primary Program. Both were uneventful.


Moses' little tongue. :)

Two videos, one of Abe sledding and the other of Maeser diving.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Dozen

12 things I am thankful for.

Bedtimes. The routines, expectations, chaos and then stillness of the whole event.
Growth. Both physical and spiritual. Mary got a PR in XC this week, dedicated practice has reaped faster times since the beginning of the year. I, on the other hand, was repeatedly humbled by my vices and found peace in simply acknowledging my mistakes. Growth is never comfortable.
Childhood. I spend most of my day with little people. Their expectations are low, the laughter contagious, and with just a few snacks, outdoor playtime and a nap they'll be more content than 99% of the adults I'll talk to in a day.
The little hug and an "I love you", from Moses on Tuesday.
Good friends. Sisters count as friends too.
Phone calls.
The words, "I'm sorry."
Warm chocolate chip cookies. Mary has a science experiment that requires a lot of baking.
Swimming pools. And that Moses can swim.
My home. Not always quiet, but it is peaceful and still. Nap time for the smalls and on the way up I noticed so many moments from our morning, evidence of little people- dolls, crayons, handprints, cars. Their lives are beautiful.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Not to overlook, or forget to post photos, but Dan also ran into jellyfish at the beach. This is serving as a place holder to post photos soon!

Also a video of Dan as he shuffled about town. His poor back went out just before boarding our flight.


I'm sure our family has been flagged for all future flights. Not only did we board the first with a sick kid who vomited before landing, but boarded the return flight with illness in strength! Perth is a bit fuzzy (fever brained) but we did the important things: Dan and I both made it to the temple on separate nights, ate some Australian beef and hit the beach. We probably would have benefited from a staycation and avoided infecting hundreds of people with our colds, but we couldn't miss the kangaroos, am I right?

Really, we didn't leave Singapore thinking we would all be sick before the end of the week, just our luck. Hoping our luck holds and that the unfettered don't join the club by week's end.

So, here's our week in pictures, some captions, and a salute to parents willing to travel with kids anywhere.

UNO face.

Waiting for take off.

Our cartwheels. 

Abe's little tongue when he's concentrating. Same thing his dad does. 

Love of my life, with a broken back. Sure wish he would stretch it out one day before it snaps.

Mo's always anxious to get back to the car when we get to the beach.

Not like Scout.

Poor lil' guy. Totally out numbered.

As if to say, "You're killin' me."

Maeser's smile says, "I think I know how to fit this guy in my suitcase."

Feels right at home with the roos.

We have space like this at home, but the AC is broken.

Yes, we dressed for the beach. It was freezing.

Moses sick. Amy sick. 
(Not pictured: Mercy sick. Maeser recovering.)

Monday, October 8, 2018


It's pouring rain. More than buckets... almost monsoon like. And I love it. It's so loud I can't hear the children throwing legos upstairs anymore. (That isn't the reason why it's so enjoyable.) It's almost like all of the small people are cocooned in our home. They can't really go out, aren't really drawn out by friends or activities, and we're busy doing things together. The outside world is muffled and seems distant.

This week had some highs and lows. It's definitely a balancing act between finding time to do something for myself, mothering (which will take more out of me that I actually have to give), cross-country/rugby/football games, sick kids, potty training and personal growth.

The week started with a very stiff neck- visibly favoring one side, more than Sarah's photo tilts. Despite heat and ice packs and ibuprofen, it took several days to work its self out. I was hoping to recover (for selfish reasons) in time to play ball on Thursday and Friday. I did and played both afternoons. The season is over, I only played for two weeks to prep the HS teams for tournaments. I forgot how much I loved the game and how much I enjoy competitive sports, and that once upon a time, I was actually good at them. Without practice, my muscles have forgotten some of the skills and lost strength that I used to have. I was nervous and hoped that I hadn't forgotten how to play and that my muscles would respond in a timely manner. I was sluggish, but there was definitely improvement in the 10 days of play. There is something to be learned here- an obvious parallel to any Spiritual trait we want to keep in shape or working order. Because I didn't keep up any of the skills I am feeling creaky and old today. I bruised or broke my big toe and could complain about a wrist and shoulder. But I'm only mentioning the toe because it played a larger part of learning this weekend than the recovery of the others. That experience is forthcoming. As I iced my foot on the couch, I notice these two tiny hand prints on the windows... how in the world? That's so high up!

I also spent the two weeks referring to these games as "my workout". Dan and I usually coordinate when we'll be exercising. Sometimes it's together, but usually it's so that one of us is home with the kids while the other is out. After a few conversations that went something like this: 
Dan- "I've got a 15k run to do today, preferably this morning. You?"
Amy- "I'll workout this afternoon." (No description of my sport.)

I realised that I was using "workout" because it seemed less selfish than saying, "I'm going to go play volleyball with my friends this afternoon." The second phrase seemed extravagant, like I was choosing to spend time away from the little guys to be with someone else. (Which I was, but didn't want to admit.) So the balance of parenting and spending time on myself continues. I am not lost in this role of mothering. But it does define a large part of who I am now- and forever will. There are still many things about me that I want to evolve, requiring intentional and purposeful planning. I know I need to simplify and be deliberate in my actions so that the times I choose to be gone will be worth my absence.

On Monday Mary had a cross-country meet, Tuesday a rugby game and Abe had a football game on Wednesday afternoon. Mary showed up to her race without shoes and had to borrow shoes from a friend who was there to watch. (I was wearing sandals and the only other spectators with me were Scout, Moses and Teddy.)


We went to Maeser's school conferences. I love his self-portraits more than any selfies. 
We're taking a break from potty-training to be sick. Because being 2 is hard enough without either of the other two events.

And I had to snap a photo of these pumpkins while we were at the grocery store yesterday. Please carve a pumpkin for us this year!

Abe finished the marathon club this week. He would run in the morning before school.

Back to my toe. Bruised or broken, I limped around all of Saturday and Sunday. After church Dan unintentionally stepped on toe and immediately apologised, "I'm so sorry about your foot, are you OK?"  My response, "It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as my soul." I was almost surprised at what I said. I'd been nursing some pride for several hours and grumbling at the nudge to repent. When things aren't right between you and the Lord, or you and your spouse, or really anyone, then even going about doing the usual and mundane things are painful and distracting. It's like my spirit can't focus on anything until I take the time (or humble myself enough) to make things right. I'm reminded of the story about Joseph Smith trying to translate the plates when he had to step out of his home, pray, and repent before any work could be done. I began to cry and felt so bad about choosing misery over joy. It seems like such an obvious choice, and yet again and again we face the same decisions. We can be enticed to draw closer to the Lord or to choose misery with. every. experience.

I was, both then and now, thankful for the truth that Elder Holland taught: 

“However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”

And how thankful I am that conference is here. That there will be so many other opportunities to grow and be lifted by inspired and revelatory leaders this next week. 
Love you, Amy

Monday, October 1, 2018

Haircuts and Bruises

Mary joined a middle school program called "That Dance Thing" (TDT). 40 kids meet for dinner at a nice restaurant and then receive dancing instruction for an hour. Parents chaperone at least one evening, and unlike her father who bemoaned going, she loved it. One and done, we've chaperoned our night and Dan couldn't be happier.

Maeser received a bad haircut but is unwilling to see a real barber to get it repaired. We all cringe when he walks by.

Our primary program is in two weeks. As motivation we told our kids we'd take them to Black Tap (the new shake house in town) if they could memorise their parts before we got there. Duly motivated, they are well prepared and equally fattened. Maeser's choice: Cotton Candy, Abe's: Sour Power, Mary: Cookies n'Cream.

I played in my first volleyball game in 17 years... honestly. Evidence of the game is still visible. I'm hoping to have healed up by Friday so I can play again.

Dan swam 3.5 KM on Saturday. (The same distance he swims in an IM, probably the first time he's raced this distance independently.)

Mary ran in her second XC meet of the year. Her first race with a continuous pace.
