Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bikes and Lacrosse

Another note short on reading material.

Quick trick to HK for Women’s conference and the temple. Only picture taken was waiting to collect my bags at the belt.

Cray cray. Outward manifestation of my mental state while experiencing a combination of Fast Sunday/Jet Lag and putting the kids to bed solo while Dan catches a flight whilst being unable to unbutton the back of my dress. The moment passed and became more hilarious after I sent Dan this photo.

Oh Mercy. (I’m certain we caption 85% of her photos in the same manner.)

Always on a bike... humming his own theme song.

If not on a bike, then playing cars.

Budding artist, 3 minutes at a time.

Our future Lacrosse Star.

Abraham. 9

Mary. 11

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