Monday, January 15, 2018

Our home has become a canvas.

If you could walk though our home, you'd see evidence of Scout's talent on almost every wall (or leather couch!). I scrub walls almost weekly (actually, it is an earning money job, so Mary and Abe do it) but some masterpieces remain. The one that looks like a moose is actually Rudolph the Reindeer and he has been there for weeks.

(First week in Primary. She's so tiny.)

We celebrated Scout's birthday, early. This week is the global convention in Hong Kong, and Dan left on Sunday. So really, it's birthday week! She's so confused. Valentine brought her a gift after school today and Scout said, "No, that isn't a birthday present- today isn't my birthday." We gave her several games, and because everyone was home she hardly got a chance to play them... but as soon as they all left for school this morning she piled them all up on the table and we have been working through them.

Connect 4- Every time she drop a tile on top of mine, she yells "smashed ya!"

Lunch time shenanigans.

I went to my first Wake this morning. The mother of a recent convert who is struggling to balance her new faith and family ties. Funerals are depressing when you don't have any knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. There was a lot of incense burning, cymbals, chanting... no happiness, emotions constrained by ignorance. I left with mixed feelings, some traditions are so entrenched they would be difficult to change or give up. I am encouraged that no matter the backgrounds, missionaries willing teach all and try to help them understand correct principles. 

Remaining pictures: 
Scout attempting to decorate for her birthday. 

Wrestling matches after school. 

Pie instead of cake. 

And I finally took Abe biking on Pulau Ubin, a small island off the coast of Singapore with mountain biking trails, some paved roads, wild monkeys and boars. It was an adventure.

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