Tuesday, January 23, 2018


It’s a short email kinda week.

Warm milk, every morning. Moses is happily waiting beside the microwave for his bottle.

The children learned to play Settlers of Catan, hours of endless fun. (I’m the best mom in the world- by 8:30 on Sunday morning we were taking a break to grab breakfast.)

Quick trip to Hong Kong- my flight landed 30 minutes early and I made it to the temple that night. (Tender mercy.)

2 confirmed cases of head lice... the boys have all shaved their heads and the girls are hoping for less itchy scalps.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Our home has become a canvas.

If you could walk though our home, you'd see evidence of Scout's talent on almost every wall (or leather couch!). I scrub walls almost weekly (actually, it is an earning money job, so Mary and Abe do it) but some masterpieces remain. The one that looks like a moose is actually Rudolph the Reindeer and he has been there for weeks.

(First week in Primary. She's so tiny.)

We celebrated Scout's birthday, early. This week is the global convention in Hong Kong, and Dan left on Sunday. So really, it's birthday week! She's so confused. Valentine brought her a gift after school today and Scout said, "No, that isn't a birthday present- today isn't my birthday." We gave her several games, and because everyone was home she hardly got a chance to play them... but as soon as they all left for school this morning she piled them all up on the table and we have been working through them.

Connect 4- Every time she drop a tile on top of mine, she yells "smashed ya!"

Lunch time shenanigans.

I went to my first Wake this morning. The mother of a recent convert who is struggling to balance her new faith and family ties. Funerals are depressing when you don't have any knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. There was a lot of incense burning, cymbals, chanting... no happiness, emotions constrained by ignorance. I left with mixed feelings, some traditions are so entrenched they would be difficult to change or give up. I am encouraged that no matter the backgrounds, missionaries willing teach all and try to help them understand correct principles. 

Remaining pictures: 
Scout attempting to decorate for her birthday. 

Wrestling matches after school. 

Pie instead of cake. 

And I finally took Abe biking on Pulau Ubin, a small island off the coast of Singapore with mountain biking trails, some paved roads, wild monkeys and boars. It was an adventure.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Photo dump from Christmas break.

Merry Christmas. I love you. From Maeser.

Morning snuggles.

So many cars. Favorite stocking stuffer.

Remains of an unwrapped gift. So sweet.

Cars and cars. Too many to hold.

Christmas pillage.

Maeser got a bike for Christmas, so we took a ride just before lunch. Scout had a crash which resulted in a trip to the A&E and a bit of glue.

Eating goodies at Aunt Julie's.


Lots of cars with Winston. 

And lots of time on the floor. I'm surprised he didn't get sick.

We're home. We had a great week in Manila with lots of cousin time and it was great to see Dallin, Sam and Fenton. The best though, was seeing Mom and Dad doing their work. We saw the start to some of their meetings on Friday. Dad, as expected, was a natural, and all of the missionaries love him. Bonita has coordinated everything- I heard her mention to a Senior missionary that she only expected something to last for 17 minutes! That's a tight ship, and probably very difficult to manage with so many Elders and Sisters and the Filippine schedule. (Traffic fluctuated immensely. We arrived an hour early for church when the same drive earlier in the week took 90 minutes longer.) But she's doing it and gracefully. 

An hour early to church.


Manila reminds me of Bangkok. In just a few years, I've grown used to clean streets where poverty and need are not visible. Every time we left the hotel there were reminders that life isn't easy, that personal grooming or cleanliness isn't a necessity but a luxury. That homes with doors and windows aren't a staple of life, but a roof of any kind (tarpaulin, sheet metal, bamboo or cardboard) provides shelter and privacy. Air conditioning even seemed extravagant. The hardest thing I saw was when a father was bathing his son, about 2 years, in a gutter a gutter of slush with a small water bottle and a bar of soap. The child was standing on his father's feet so his own feet would remain clean until his shoes were replaced.  I know the gospel can improve one's life, not only Spiritually, but in physical circumstances too. This was evident in a meeting that Sarah and I attended on Tuesday.

Tuesday's meeting was with The Academy- like a business school program run at Stake level to members, they meet once a week and are given a short lecture and run through case studies, break into groups to run through additional examples and then group back together again. All of the people we met were attending because they have or would like to start their own small businesses. One man was a chicken farmer, another woman had started a preschool, another who had begun selling popsicles to 7-11's and on jeepneys. She now sells them wholesale to others and they selling more than 30,000 popsicles in a week. It was inspirational to be in a room with so many who are proactive. Diligently trying to improve their lives, the Academy program also encourages them to try again and again- as every effort won't be successful. 

Dallin coming home and Sunday were the highlights. Mom bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting, you could feel the love she has for those she is serving. I spent 2nd and 3rd hour in the nursery. 10 children and 7 women sat in a classroom twice the size of my dining room table. After a structured 1st hour, we spent the 2nd hour playing with the children and visiting. I got to speak with all but one of them. These women are inspirational.

Fire ants in the toes.

We had a family testimony meeting at Mom's house after Ransom's blessing. I've thought a lot about something Derrick said, that we might have "joy through hope" in the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

I sometimes get bogged down by small details, being late to commitments, getting "stuff" done... the way life works out- your list never is complete, you are never on time to everything, your homes is sometimes chaotic... and I'll let that stuff get to me and replace any joy that might come from the experience. But there is hope. I can change. I can be a more cheerful mother and companion. I can be better tomorrow than I am today.

On a more significant note- the gospel has the power to change us eternally. Look at Alma, a man who wanted to destroy the gospel, and after 14 years of service he and Ammon visit the Zoramites and his soul is pained by wickedness. And yet, he understands their souls are precious and desires with all of his soul to bring them light. (Alma 28:14 "...joy because of the light of Christ unto life.")