Sunday, October 1, 2017

I always imagine I will sit and read a book if I am away from my children... instead I always end up sleeping! I took a book, thinking I'd read it on the flights to and from Athens, but didn't even look at it. 

It was so good to work with Sarah this week. We were checking up on several of our projects, researching new ones and visiting some schools and camps. I feel like it was an exercise in gratitude. We have been blessed with so much. Not just in material goods... but we have hope! We have freedom to choose what we will do today, and not choose our activities out of desperation. And there are so many people engaged in good work. Their lives also seem exhausting, everything is always an emergency and their responses are always immediate. It's like chasing a forest fire. 

We met this woman who is basically mothering a camp of Afghan refugees. She lives in north of Athens at this camp all but 2 months of the year. She advocates for fresh vegetables and schools, winter necessities and work for them to do. Her husband travels back and forth from the US to visit. It was inspiring, she can do something that so many others cannot. It inspired me to always do 'the CAN". Don't procrastinate what can be done... always do it immediately. 

It makes me really appreciate the work Dan does- frequent travel, spending a lot of time alone, doing work that I'm sure we will never see or appreciate. I'm sure most of our fathers do the same. But then, isn't it that way for us too. Shouldn't we be engaged in doing good whether or not others notice?

I've heard conference was amazing. I hope to start listening to it this afternoon. Elder Hales passed away between conference sessions yesterday morning.

Dan sent me photos all week, he managed very well without me. The kids even had a swim meet.

Scout Scout.

First Swim Meet

Home from Rugby Practice

Chillin' with Dad while he gets his ride in.


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