Sunday, October 1, 2017


I am very late in writing. Life happens.

I am flying to Greece to meet Sarah. We are meeting with 6 different ORGS and checking on some of our projects. Really though, it will be an educational trip for both of us. We’d really like to get better at what we’re doing and make better informed decisions.

Dan has the kids this week- which is amazing. As I was packing he was so happy I was the one leaving for a flight. I hope his week is educational too.

This week we will see a lot of heartache and a lot of need. But we will also see a lot of good. I will see many women whose lives contrast mine. While thinking about them and what I want to learn this week- I just finished reading about the Jaredite barges.

The part about the faith of the Brother of Jared is amazing, but I’ve thought a lot about the next part. His entire family had a lot of faith to get in the barges and expect the Lord to bring them all to the same place a year later. While they traveled- (vs.6-9) there were great waves, unceasing wind, they were buried in the depths of the sea, tossed about... these obstacles and trials came even when putting all their faith in the Lord. As they faced these they continually praised God and expressed their gratitude. In the end, the Lord delivered them to the promise land. Because of that journey they ended up where they needed to be. Many families are in desperate situations. Their trials are huge waves and they are tossed about (literally) in a sea. They are just as homeless as the Jaredites were, and fleeing death with the hope of a better life somewhere unknown.

In comparison, my journey (our journey) is like crossing the sea in a barge. Even after we have chosen God’s plan and understand it will take great faith- we will have trials and obstacles... but will we also let those experiences change us so we end up where the Lord needs us to be?

And then, what if our life is one of comparative ease? (Like mine.) Do I need to be compelled to be humble and faithful? Can I still experience the change and growth to become complete or useful to the Lord?

I have only had a few minutes to listen to the beginning of Women’s conference. Sharon Eubank is the first speaker. (Someone I really admire.) She asks a string of questions I want to sit down and answer in my personal study. Then she encourages us to continually come to know and obey God. (Paraphrasing, as I am on a plane and can’t look up her talk.)

Desire is the beginning of any change. Honestly, I would prefer not to be compelled, but to give my will freely.

I’ll write more after this trip.

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