Sunday, August 13, 2017

Santa Rosa Ironman

Dan raced in this a week ago. He raced well and his recovery has been fast. So good that he seriously considered racing again in a week, but we've just returned to Singapore and school starts in 3 days... he'll also be traveling to Vietnam, Philippines and Dubai in the next two weeks, it seemed a little too busy for another race in the middle of everything.

Our home is beautiful, unorganised, and wonderfully close to the school. Hopefully I'll rectify that chaotic part soon. My body is craving sleep. Ode to jet lag. I have such a love/hate relationship with it.

I started that three days ago. School has begun, Maeser starts tomorrow.
Nothing really important- the tasks of organising and putting everything away looms large. We did have a sister missionary come back to visit, she is traveling with her parents and they came for dinner on Sunday.

I am trying hard, like Hannah to always see the good in others, to be mindful of the smallness of my children and less impatient. And to be less busy. There will always be something to do, to get done or someone to visit... but those aren't the most important tasks.

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