The bouldering and biking field behind our house.
Elder Christofferson visited our stake this week and we had a fireside on Tuesday. I saved seats for Derrick and Julie (something you aren't supposed to do) and then because of traffic and the baby they didn't make it in before they closed the chapel doors. And then I felt so guilty. Here I sat with two empty seats beside me, that the ushers had let me keep because of a nursing mother, when there were so many people who had come to listen to an Apostle! I felt better after both seats were taken by people who snuck in through the back during the opening song... but I felt so bad that I was depriving someone from an experience that might be a once in a lift time thing. I'm sure the life of an Apostle is exhausting. Singapore was the last stop on a two week trip, with traveling and multiple trainings everyday. Before our meeting started he had a training meeting with all the missionaries, he was supposed to get an hour break for dinner but it took him more than 30 minutes to exit the chapel.
Elder Christofferson was left with more than 50 minutes to speak by the time the program reached his name. It was amazing how casually and comfortably he could discuss and teach principles and seamlessly add to his original comments. That is more than just talent, that is the fruit of a lifetime of study.
3 Ne 17:3 Ponder + Pray = Understanding.
Dan took Abe "mountain" biking on Saturday. I LOVE that the children are getting big enough to do things. So do they.
Mary's class poster had portraits of us all.
Abe on free dress day.
Monkey Bike Shenanigans.