Sunday, August 27, 2017

The joys of a new school have already worn off on Maeser. When we put him to bed every night he asks, "Am I going to bed because I have school tomorrow? I don't want to go, I want to stay up." Maybe this kids will be a child psychologist. He's learning all the tricks.

The bouldering and biking field behind our house.

Elder Christofferson visited our stake this week and we had a fireside on Tuesday. I saved seats for Derrick and Julie (something you aren't supposed to do) and then because of traffic and the baby they didn't make it in before they closed the chapel doors. And then I felt so guilty. Here I sat with two empty seats beside me, that the ushers had let me keep because of a nursing mother, when there were so many people who had come to listen to an Apostle! I felt better after both seats were taken by people who snuck in through the back during the opening song... but I felt so bad that I was depriving someone from an experience that might be a once in a lift time thing. I'm sure the life of an Apostle is exhausting. Singapore was the last stop on a two week trip, with traveling and multiple trainings everyday. Before our meeting started he had a training meeting with all the missionaries, he was supposed to get an hour break for dinner but it took him more than 30 minutes to exit the chapel. 

Elder Christofferson was left with more than 50 minutes to speak by the time the program reached his name. It was amazing how casually and comfortably he could discuss and teach principles and seamlessly add to his original comments. That is more than just talent, that is the fruit of a lifetime of study. 

3 Ne 17:3 Ponder + Pray = Understanding. 

Dan took Abe "mountain" biking on Saturday. I LOVE that the children are getting big enough to do things. So do they.

Mary's class poster had portraits of us all.

Abe on free dress day.

Monkey Bike Shenanigans.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Phone dump.

Because the first week of school takes more out of mom than the kids. I am so exhausted and it isn't even 9pm yet.

Dan and I planned to workout, grab dinner and stay overnight down town for our anniversary, until Julie called informing us Maeser had had an accident. By the time we got home from the A&E Maeser was beyond tired and I wasn't sure he'd make it to school for the first day in the morning. Glue and a short night.

Scout. Can't spend an entire night in her bed. In the morning we play the game of "Where's Scout?" to find where she ended up sleeping for half the night.

Cars and trucks. Always.

Hanging with handsome Ransom. Scout's favorite toy.

3 days in.

Scout didn't care a bit about school until Maeser started attending. Now she won't leave the house without a backpack and our frequent conversations about school go something like this:
"Mom, I'm big now." "Not, big enough. We can go home and play." "No, I'm 6!"

On Saturday Dan took Mary, Abe and Moses on a bike ride, they almost made it to the zoo!

First day of schule.

Sunday morning.

Does everyone else remember being this excited for their first day of school?

Cool dad.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Race dump

PR for Dan. 12:03, he recovered well.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Santa Rosa Ironman

Dan raced in this a week ago. He raced well and his recovery has been fast. So good that he seriously considered racing again in a week, but we've just returned to Singapore and school starts in 3 days... he'll also be traveling to Vietnam, Philippines and Dubai in the next two weeks, it seemed a little too busy for another race in the middle of everything.

Our home is beautiful, unorganised, and wonderfully close to the school. Hopefully I'll rectify that chaotic part soon. My body is craving sleep. Ode to jet lag. I have such a love/hate relationship with it.

I started that three days ago. School has begun, Maeser starts tomorrow.
Nothing really important- the tasks of organising and putting everything away looms large. We did have a sister missionary come back to visit, she is traveling with her parents and they came for dinner on Sunday.

I am trying hard, like Hannah to always see the good in others, to be mindful of the smallness of my children and less impatient. And to be less busy. There will always be something to do, to get done or someone to visit... but those aren't the most important tasks.