Sunday, June 25, 2017

Best Story of the Week:

From Bekah Cutler, a cousin:
After the cash cow at the rodeo, Maeser sat down by me looking rather dejected. I told him he'd done a great job chasing the cow; he was really fast! But he was pretty bummed that he didn't grab any of the money. Mary quietly reached into her picked and pulled out a dollar bill or two and some quarters. She gave Maeser a few of the quarters, which made him pretty happy.
I asked her if she'd grabbed the money from the cash cow (I was trying to picture how to loosely attached coins to a cow, and it didn't seem like an easy feat..). She said, "No, it's not from the cash cow, it's just some of my own money that I brought," and went back to contently watching the rodeo. I thought it was really sweet of her to try to make an effort to cheer up her brother, especially because it was in a situation where it wasn't really necessary for her try to do anything, and nobody else was watching. I think she just figured that giving her brother some quarters would be a nice way she help him have a good experience at the rodeo. It was a sweet gesture. 

It was immediately after this that he took his coins down to the refreshment stand to try and buy Strawberries. And he got lost. And the Rodeo MC had to call for us to pick him up from the announcers' booth. 

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