Monday, August 1, 2016

July 30, 2016

We are just coming out of jet lag. No more 4 hour naps at 2 in the afternoon. And everyone is sleeping through the night. I know you hear the whining annually. Sorry. It's like the plague, unavoidable and awful. But, totally worth it. We had such a great summer. We are already making grand plans for next year. ("We" should be changed to "I".)

Small moments at our house:
Abraham finished reading the Book of Mormon. This has been entirely self propelled. He was so excited to finish that the last two nights he was reading we found the scriptures under his pillow because he took them to bed to read and wanted them when he woke. Adorable. Heart melt. Makes this momma proud. He started the missionary discussions today with two other primary children. He was quite impressive with his knowledge of the scripture stories an familiarity with the book its self. The missionaries asked the children to turn to Moroni 10. Which he did, but as the other children were looking up the scripture the Missionaries hinted that the book of Moroni was located at the end of the BoM. Abe disagreed with them as said that "Moroni is after the Book of Ether. If you look at the end of the BoM you only get Doctrine and Covenants."

The baby is crawling. Almost.  Everyone stops to watch and cheer when ever he is on the floor. And because he is a little prince and is never put down, this event happens about 4 times a day.

Robot Factory.

Dan, exhausted trying to sleep on the couch: "No go sleep. No sleep!" protested Scout. She is talking like crazy with new words like dangerous, "I can't go", bad dog, "I get the diapers and wipes". As you can see, we are moving on to short sentences, and it is adorable coming from a stout, slightly balding in front two year old.

I can only recall one other phrase from this week. Dan was reading to the children and said the word 'urgent'. He continued reading while Maeser asked repeatedly and at louder and louder volumes "What's 'urgent' daddy?!"

Photo cred: Scout

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