Sunday, August 21, 2016


August 21, 2016

Mary and Abe have been in school for a week and a bit. Maeser started this week. Nothing formal. Music lessons at Thunder Rock School next door to Dawaat Tandori (the indian place near Thomson Plaza), rock climbing, and Bob books (do you remember those?).
He has memorized about 40 pages from the books, he'll recite them in any order and on demand. I doubt he'll ever be able to read a real book. Maybe he has a photographic memory, and as long as someone reads it aloud to him he'll be able to recite it back."Dog sat. Dot sat. Mac did not nap.... " He's good.

Moses is teething, the process is painless, at least he'll never remember it. I can't wait until he is like a piranha and his mouth is full of teeth. We'll be done with this phase for life.

The neighbor died. He must have been famous, his funeral has been going on for a week now. I think traditional Chinese funerals are something like a wake. The family hosts relatives and friends for days and days. Their gate is left open, with tens of cars parked within walking distance. Choirs sing, food is served, flowers are piled out to the street. Ru has decided that this week, of all weeks, was the time to become a jailbird and we can't contain her in the yard. She has run through the funeral so many times I think they'll shoot her the next time she escapes. The last time she chewed through her leash and I went to find her. An old man met me in the street and with tears said, "It's a funeral." I felt so bad. Maybe I'll board her until it is finished. It's made me think a lot about the knowledge we have of God's plan. Death isn't an end to our relationships. With what little knowledge and understanding I have about grief and pain, I do know that it isn't the end, and I have faith that it is part of this experience where our souls (body and spirit) come closer to God. I wish, so much, that I could give that small old man some peace. Even if it is just keeping Ru away.

Oh, and we had 3 snakes in the house this week. Just small ones. Literally, they are classified as the smallest snakes on the planet.


In case you're missing Maeser, the boy is rolling across the carpet singing a song about poop. Ugg. 4 years.

We went to dinner on Friday night to Wild Honey. We didn't have plans to meet up with friends, but Brother and Sister Lifferth texted like 30 minutes before to see if we had plans. We told them to meet up. And then like 5 minutes before they arrived they texted to say they were bringing some friends. Their friends ended up being a general authority and his wife, Brother and Sister Meredith. They were cool, but we felt super young. Everyone else has kids in HS and they are almost 50 years old. I felt like I didn't have anything to say. My salad kept me company- warm goat cheese. Mmmm.

He and Scout are becoming better friends, she is old enough to play (take orders) this year. She adores him, He watches out the window for the bus to roll in. It will be a lot of fun to have him home.

Dan had a race in Malaysia yesterday. I woke up at 4:30, he was supposed to leave at 4:00 and he was still in bed. He had decided to scrap the race (heard there were crocodiles in the water) and do the race on his own. I think it was 30% harder that way. He biked almost 60 miles, ran 11 and swam 1.3.  I was impressed, I would have skipped it all together.

Pictures from the first week of school. He looks thrilled.

Sunday August 7

Brief this week.

Moses can eat anything, sit up and roll across the room and under furniture. Happiest baby alive.

Abe took another missionary discussion this week, we have a new Sister assigned to our ward. She is from Farmington and went to school with Rebecca Cutler. And her last name is Kershisnick. (The painter is her uncle.)

We also went to meet the new school teachers. Abe's teacher tried to impress/befriend/scare him. She was a little aggressive. Maybe she gets nervous at the beginning of the school year, I hope she mellows out. Abe doesn't really know what to think about her, she is completely opposite of last years teacher. Mary already loves hers. I think it is a good fit and hope she makes some good friends. (I looked at the class list and Rhys was also assigned to the same teacher. ARRG!)
This is the science room and the teacher really looks like that teacher from the magic school bus- earnings and everything!
Dan just got back from India, like minutes ago. India was a good trip, better that usual. More cows.

"Mom, I feel like I'm cool." Maeser after dressing for church.

Monday, August 1, 2016

July 30, 2016

We are just coming out of jet lag. No more 4 hour naps at 2 in the afternoon. And everyone is sleeping through the night. I know you hear the whining annually. Sorry. It's like the plague, unavoidable and awful. But, totally worth it. We had such a great summer. We are already making grand plans for next year. ("We" should be changed to "I".)

Small moments at our house:
Abraham finished reading the Book of Mormon. This has been entirely self propelled. He was so excited to finish that the last two nights he was reading we found the scriptures under his pillow because he took them to bed to read and wanted them when he woke. Adorable. Heart melt. Makes this momma proud. He started the missionary discussions today with two other primary children. He was quite impressive with his knowledge of the scripture stories an familiarity with the book its self. The missionaries asked the children to turn to Moroni 10. Which he did, but as the other children were looking up the scripture the Missionaries hinted that the book of Moroni was located at the end of the BoM. Abe disagreed with them as said that "Moroni is after the Book of Ether. If you look at the end of the BoM you only get Doctrine and Covenants."

The baby is crawling. Almost.  Everyone stops to watch and cheer when ever he is on the floor. And because he is a little prince and is never put down, this event happens about 4 times a day.

Robot Factory.

Dan, exhausted trying to sleep on the couch: "No go sleep. No sleep!" protested Scout. She is talking like crazy with new words like dangerous, "I can't go", bad dog, "I get the diapers and wipes". As you can see, we are moving on to short sentences, and it is adorable coming from a stout, slightly balding in front two year old.

I can only recall one other phrase from this week. Dan was reading to the children and said the word 'urgent'. He continued reading while Maeser asked repeatedly and at louder and louder volumes "What's 'urgent' daddy?!"

Photo cred: Scout

From Maeser

Dearest Dallin,

I am already for church and it is only 5:40 in the morning. I have been awake since 3 o'clock... because we flew back to Singapore yesterday and I can't SLEEP!

I went on the airplane and watched so many movies. And I watched Kung Fu Panda 3 times!

Then my dad took us to the beach to play. And we swam to the island with our dog Ru.

I love you Dallin. I miss you. I wish you were sleeping in my room again.

Love, Maeser.

July 16

This is it! The next time I write we'll be back in Singapore, or dead if we don't survive the flight. :-/

Not really hyped for the flight yet, but I've got 4 days to do that.
Hopefully we'll be boarding before Moses figures out to crawl, he is so close and is rolling all over the floor. Crawling really ages him, kinda makes me sad. But not really. It is cute to see him rocking around on his knees.

I was reading Alma 39:16-19. I felt impressed that this work was my work, not just full-time missionaries. "to declare these glad tidings unto this people, to prepare their minds... that they may prepare the minds of their children to hear the word..." Is the gospel is so much a part of my life that those around me notice it, or are drawn to it? Am I sharing it by just being?
I'm often in a frazzled or hurried state, I don't know that that state of being is helpful in sharing the gospel. I spent several minutes watching a woman who was calm and quiet this week. She was bright and happy and her eyes shown as she greeted others and genuinely showed interested in them. I didn't even know her but would have been happy to have shared a conversation with her or learned more about her composure. If I could imitate her behavior I'm sure more would be drawn to the light of Christ and feel the Spirit. I also watched several missionaries yesterday. We went to visit Temple Square, or as Maeser says "Square Temple". It was easy to tell which missionaries were new and felt anxious, they were very ambitions and active, while their companions were calm, full of happiness and peace. The work to be done carries a bit of responsibility and haste, but it also takes love and genuine interest in others and time. Several years ago I shared my testimony and a bit of the gospel with a friend, and this scripture makes me feel like I was doing the work, that "redemption should be made known unto this people as well as unto their children..." Be strong and faithful, love those you serve and a those you meet.

On to less important things, highlights this week include haircuts for the children attempted and failed by me. Pictures are proof. BYU Gymnastics camp for Mary and Abe, it was good exposure and a lot of fun, but they are so bad at gymnastics it is funny.

Sunday morning walk.

Square Temple.


Mary's first selfie.


Too funny.

Just got this from Dan:

July 11, 2016 3 more

Moses, 4 teeth, fat and happy.

Abe and Mary are doing a sugar challenge but didn't want to miss out on roasting marshmallows. Abe roasted marshmallows for 30 minutes he other night and didn't eat a SINGLE one!

Pushing 3 takes talent. And I've got it.

July 11, 2016 Forgotten photos

Scout. T-2 minutes until meltdown.

Mary's Fairy Garden, complete with pool and vegetable garden.

Tennis lessons... Maeser is wearing Sunday shoes because we've been through 4 pairs of shoes this summer and he's left with 1 remaining right footed croc.

 We seems to have a lot of picnics.

July 10, 2016

A little more than a week is left of our summer break. Dan is already back in Singapore and says it is so good to be home. He is there only until this evening when he leaves for Philippines and a whole string of places, returning only in time to pack a bag and come pick us up.

Actually, he just called and decided he'd rather have someone else fly the kids out. I'm on the hunt for a college student without a summer job that wants to go to Singapore for 2 weeks. I'd better start calling the cousins.

The children took tennis lessons with Maddie Cluff this week, and everyone has returned home. Sarah just got back from the cabin, so it won't be so quiet now. Maeser is so excited to play with Violet. I put him to bed an hour ago, and he has snuck down to Violets room three times already. They really are such good friends.

We're really pushing for some athletic skills...  BYU gymnastics camp starts on Tuesday and another week of tennis lessons with Maddie, and hopefully a couple swimming lessons when the pool is free. Should be a great week.

July 6, 2016 Wolfcreek

I really love this place. I think I love it most because of the people here and the memories from the last 4 years.

I've played so much chess this week, Abe thinks he is a chess master, so every time I beat him he says, "HOW did you DO that? I beat grandpa all the time!"

Happy 4th of July!

June 27, 2016

 We are in the midst of family reunions. I can't wait until next summer. We'll have Jeremiah and Spencer plus Jr. here! We could really use the expertise of two snipers to help with the over population problem. These marmots/pot-guts are out of control.

Maeser rode a sheep in the Strawberry Day's Rodeo. He rode about 15 feet, I wish we could send you a video. He was disappointed he didn't get all the way across the arena, and he has decided next year he will wear goggles (to avoid having sand in his eyes).

Then we went to ride horses at Wolf Creek this morning and as I was driving little kids to the barn Millie (Christy's daughter) said: "I like horses... but are there any Unicorns?" Haha!

It has been a great week, tons of food, beautiful weather and lots of cousin time. I have loved it. This is what we come back for every summer (that and hot chocolate and mountains and online shopping and fresh air.) I am so glad the children are creating such great memories.

Tomorrow we are headed to St George for Grandma's service. I've thought a lot about her this week. Dan explained it so well to the children. He said he was a little sad, but also happy. Kind of a hard thing to understand for little people. But her body was like a prison for the last few years, it would be so amazing to have your memory back, to feel strong, and to be with family again. I am so happy she is with grandpa Fent. I can only imagine the homecoming we will each have when we finish here on Earth.

I had a thought today that I know was inspiration. I've been thinking of a friend who doesn't believe in God, or has never had a relationship with Him. She is awed by the idea that a mere mortal (someone other than a priest) can pray to God and have a relationship with Him. She asks questions like, "He can hear me?" "What do I say?" "Why would he care about what I tell him or ask for?" I don't know if she has tried to pray yet. I didn't know how to explain how to start. In Sunday School a returned missionary talked about prayers of gratitude. That's what we should start with. She believes there is some kind of Being organising fate. Something orchestrating the world, she has a family and is thankful for them. She believes there is a God, but was taught that he was something to be feared, years ago she decided it would be easier to not believe in Him. But I believe she was lying to herself. I know she believes in God, but doesn't know he is loving and that she can have a personal relationship with Him. If she can begin praying, just believing that God is responsible for her blessings, she might learn to pray and feel the Holy Ghost by beginning with prayers of thanks.

I'm so sorry for the late letter! (Or lack of letters.) It is a busy week. We are in the midst of family reunions. I can't wait until next summer. We'll have Jeremiah and Spencer plus Jr. here! We could really use the expertise of two snipers to help with the over population problem. These marmots/pot-guts are out of control.

June 18, 2016 Mutton Bustin'

Abe calls him a sheepboy instead of a cowboy. Was such a fun night.

June 6, 2016 Just captions this week.

It's only 8:19. But the latest I've stayed up this week! 

"We're pwaying famiwy."

Last day of school.

Happy annoying people checking in for a 6am flight. Ugg.

Fritters. Welcome to the USA!

Would never be able to make international flights with out Steve Jobs.

Last night in Singapore, flying kites.


The journey home begins.

More kites.

No comment.

Losing to jet-lag.

Zombies. Feel like I get a free pass to complain about jet-lag. Just a warning.

Ninjas and Nerf guns.