Somehow the days have passed without me noticing. Summer break seemed so far away and now there are only 4 more weeks of school.
Dan has recovered enough to go for a few runs and hit the road again. He is in Kuwait at the moment. A very wealthy tiny country next to Iraq. Sounds exotic, but I've heard it's a bit hot and sandy. :)
Mom and Dad have been here all week. It has been so fun to have them over in the evenings to play or practice baseball.
Daytime conversations around the home rarely are academic or philosophical. Proven by the short excerpts below.
The first, answered by Scout: "W" is for...? Octopus! (The longest word she can say, so she proudly uses it to answer any number of questions.)
"Maeser, eat fast!"
"I just have my last 16 bites!"
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