Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 3rd

It's conference weekend! Well, not till next week for us, but we're downloading talks already and I just watched the General Woman's meeting last night with Mary. The entire meeting was centered around service and helping the needy (refugees, immigrants, your neighbors). Not just fellowshipping new members or investigators, but building one-on-one relationships with those around you. President Eyring said that every person, even the youngest in attendance, had received inspiration during the meeting, a name of someone we could serve.

Maeser got back on Thursday night from Bangkok. He asked if he could stay a few more months. He had such a great time and I'm so glad that our family is cool enough to host an extra 4 year old for a week. Sarah is sick and still the best host. He went to the aquarium, a new "Mr. Jones" kind of place, and played with Violet, Winston, Max and Scooter all week.

Maeser is in a phase of comparison, after everything he does he asks "Was that fast? Faster than Abe? Faster than a vampire?" I was doing some push-ups/sit-ups while reading books with Scout and he said:
Mom, are you getting stronger than superman?
Why not, When will you? I'm going to.

On Saturday morning Abe had baseball. We did great getting out the door with 2 of the 5 children and shoes on. I left Maeser at the door pantless and shoeless holding the puppy crying because it was time to go. When I returned 2 hours later he still hadn't forgiven me for leaving him. I guess we should have skipped baseball all together because by the time we arrived at the school we were late and didn't even bring Abe's ball or baseball mitt. (Redeeming moments at the baseball field: Abe's coach is awesome, and somehow the church came up in two conversations with non-member friends.)

Puppy is still nameless. My vote is still for Ruin or Regret.

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