Sunday, April 10, 2016

Once there was a snowman, snowman...

Sunday April 10th

The puppy goes by Ru (pronounced Roo) or Ruin. Quite apt for a puppy. Her crate is huge and hideous, I don't have a room large enough to put it in where it isn't a blackhole. And she's still so tiny it is like living in a cavern. She prefers to pee on sheep skin rugs instead of grass...
Being the new favorite "toy", Scout picks her up by her back feet and pulls her around like a wheelbarrow. If she survives her first year in our home, without an untimely death (drawn and quartered by Maeser and Scout) or me giving her away, it will be a miracle.

Conference weekend. The most memorable talk: Elder Patrick Kearon

Saturdays mornings are spent on the baseball field for the foreseeable future. (Whoever thought that would be a good idea should be shot.) Abe is far from worst on his team, but this is a big step up from t-ball... For him, the new hat and jersey are exciting. He really needs to find a sport he loves. For me, finding a bit of shade and remembering shoes for all the kids would be ideal. I just ordered popsicle molds, the kind where you freeze your own... every child should have memories of popsicles in the summer time. And since we live in a perpetual summer...I can't wait.

Moses waiting for the baseball game to end.

Speaking of hot- Maeser and I had to visit a member's home just 3 blocks away from the school to deliver a baking pan. 3 blocks... walking seemed like a good idea. It was hot. Made hotter by dragging Maeser down the street during nap time and wearing Moses in the carrier. I walked all the way to the end of the street and knocked on a door only to have it answered by an elderly Chinese auntie. Wrong street. Walking back up the road Maeser complained that he was "melting like a snowman". Of course, he really was.

Can't wait for those popsicles. 

April 3rd

It's conference weekend! Well, not till next week for us, but we're downloading talks already and I just watched the General Woman's meeting last night with Mary. The entire meeting was centered around service and helping the needy (refugees, immigrants, your neighbors). Not just fellowshipping new members or investigators, but building one-on-one relationships with those around you. President Eyring said that every person, even the youngest in attendance, had received inspiration during the meeting, a name of someone we could serve.

Maeser got back on Thursday night from Bangkok. He asked if he could stay a few more months. He had such a great time and I'm so glad that our family is cool enough to host an extra 4 year old for a week. Sarah is sick and still the best host. He went to the aquarium, a new "Mr. Jones" kind of place, and played with Violet, Winston, Max and Scooter all week.

Maeser is in a phase of comparison, after everything he does he asks "Was that fast? Faster than Abe? Faster than a vampire?" I was doing some push-ups/sit-ups while reading books with Scout and he said:
Mom, are you getting stronger than superman?
Why not, When will you? I'm going to.

On Saturday morning Abe had baseball. We did great getting out the door with 2 of the 5 children and shoes on. I left Maeser at the door pantless and shoeless holding the puppy crying because it was time to go. When I returned 2 hours later he still hadn't forgiven me for leaving him. I guess we should have skipped baseball all together because by the time we arrived at the school we were late and didn't even bring Abe's ball or baseball mitt. (Redeeming moments at the baseball field: Abe's coach is awesome, and somehow the church came up in two conversations with non-member friends.)

Puppy is still nameless. My vote is still for Ruin or Regret.

Late writing!

This post is so late! I usually use Sunday afternoon's to write, but somehow it is already Tuesday afternoon!

We were in Vietnam last week, and not often near the computer or phone, and I am surprised at how often I get online to check emails or write a text. When I got back online on Saturday it seemed like a huge task to read my emails, write replies, check social media... and in all it was mostly a waste of time! I didn't really miss the contact during the week...

(Sleeping arrangements in Vietnam... How long do you think this lasted?)
We took the children to the beach in Vietnam for their school break. The beach was nicer than any beach we ever visited in Thailand. Beautiful, clean, shallow and perfect for children. And Vietnam has amazing food. I love vietnamese food, but because the French colonized it, there are small french bakeries everywhere! We brought 12 loaves of bread back with us (baguettes) and they are already gone! 

On our last trip down to the beach Maeser face planted- don't ask me how, it looks like he used a cheese grater on the side of his face. Less than 24 hours later and he fell outside, again, and had a goose egg that we were certain would result in a concussion. He looks horrible and I'm fairly certain still has a headache. Sarah just sent this message:

Dan had some meetings in Bangkok this week, and Sarah (still battling morning sickness and getting ready to move) was still inviting him to come. He was so excited to visit Violet.
He did his own packing the night before and put himself to bed. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

We had a small victory this week, we found a dog. Still working on her name. The short list:
Sea of Stars
Sunday Silence

All names of famous race horses... 

Scout can already say, "He's chasing me!" She doesn't like him very much yet, unless he's asleep.

On Sunday, in sharing time, we were learning about following the prophet- one of Maeser's favorite songs, but he only knows one verse and the chorus. Knowing there are more verses he usually comes up with new ones, wildly crazy and using names of his friends like: Violet was a prophet... Anyway, someone shared a story from their mission about following the prophet/MP, immediately. Basically, that late obedience is disobedience. Which is something my mother always said, but makes a better point when well illustrated.
Abe has been so diligent ever since. Strictly obedient and prompt the last two days. Can't wait to see how long it lasts. I feel so thankful for his primary teachers and others willing to share in the responsibility of teaching my children. 

Grandpa is back in Singapore. I think he has a long trip ahead of him, or several shorter trips based out of Asia. It is good to have him pop in on Sundays, he has a knack of finding the good/humorous moment in any situation. And he's a great story teller. Abe and Dan get the most excited for grandpa to come. Abe counts down the days.


Not exactly a change in the weather here, but mom said Utah is finally thawing out. 

Dan was in Korea this week, he went on a crazy long run, because he can't read Korean road signs, and ended up running for 2.5 hours around Seoul.

Scout said a 5 word sentence today: Mary help me socks on.

Just putting Leprechaun pee in the milk. (Green milk for St. Patrick's day.)

Reasons Maeser got out of bed last night:
I can't sleep because my fingernails are too long.
I need a last drink.
I need a bandaid.
I can't go to sleep because Abe won't let me have his bouncy ball.

The highlight of the week was a note Dan got on FB from Ghana. The man was Dan's only baptism from tracting. It was encouraging. Keep it up, keep doing good.