Monday, December 28, 2015

The holidays.

Mom and Dad just boarded their flight. It was so great to have them here. I'm afraid they need a break from their vacation. Add a little bit of jet lag and I'm sorry if the Utah clan's New Year's Eve party is a little sluggish or ends by 10:30.

It is fun that Mary and Abe can play so many older games now. We have been laying board games for two days. I think today would be a good day for legos or spies.

We had many generous gifts during the holidays. On Christmas morning Maeser commandeered ABe;s army men and passed on opening any more presents. When I tried to get him to open another he said, "Give it to Scout."

Grandma Skousen snt some little Russian dolls and they have been a favorite for Scout. 30 minutes on any activity for a two year old is welcome!
Life is still rather slow here. Dan's short trip to Utah looks freezing but I almost wish it was me instead of him!

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