15 more weeks to go. Seems like forever. For the boys, the never ending weight gain and energy depleting condition is a blast. The upside is the slow mornings, not working out, and laying on the floor for hours reading books. Lots of bonding time with the littles. I also think I enjoy food a lot more when pregnant. This is a huge perk as I love food, I seem to enjoy all cuisines and flavours. Not helpful for the ballooning effect on my hips and waistline. Enough complaining- we are supper excited for this little guy and are already getting anxious about his name. Any and all suggestions welcome, as long as you don't mind if we take them seriously and if you plan to use the name in the future there may be cousin doubles. ;)
Singapore is cool. Literally cooler than Bangkok. It is lovely, we actually eat a lot of meals outside on the patio, and the children spend a lot more time playing outside than they did before. The school is a step up: real science labs and art studios that the children visit, and Abe has an amazing playground on the roof of the school.
A small victory this morning was when Maeser walked in and brought me our first tomato from the garden. Still a little green and small, but success none the less. our garden is about 9 square feet distributed between two grow beds back behind the laundry. We love it.
I should send pictures of our new place, but it is still coming together. I move a piece of furniture almost daily as I try to figure out rooms and flow etc... like I said, not a lot going on.
Dan is busy, and plans to be a little more so until the baby comes. Dan was in Bangkok last week, Philippines this week, Maldives and India the following week and Korea the week after that. This is following the last two weeks when he was in Korea and Philippines.
Maeser just walked in and some how split his toe. This is my forgotten child. Of all of them, if one were to disappear or run in to a wall, or get hit by a car, it would be him. Not in a forbidding way, but he has become quite the independent third child and seems to take things into his own hands. Better go bandage it up and figure out how he did the damage.
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