Thursday, February 21, 2013

For Biolet.

Family Home Evening was the night before Vi's birthday. Mary has been begging me to teach her how to sew, I had no idea she and Abe would have the patience to make something. But they did! It turned out beautiful. This is what they "made" Vi when we turned our activity/lesson into an actual sewing lesson.
Mary helped lay out the fabric.
And sew.
And iron.

Abe stuffed, 
and stuffed your pillow. (Lots of concentration here.)
Mary cut the batting. Abe is still stuffing.
Mary learned to thread a needle,


They each took turns stitching the pillow closed.
(by hand)
For a girl who already loves baby dolls, Happy Birthday!
We love you Vi!

1 comment:

Bonita said...

I heard that Biolet loves the quilt. What a great project for the children!