Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Family Pictures

Most people use real pictures of their family on their Christmas card. This year we didn't. Not to say we didn't have any to use, but when it came down to it my choices were these:
1- Great family picture on the beach. Problem, we're in our bathing suits. (More importantly, I was in my bathing suit. Didn't really want that pinned up for the holiday season.)
2- First family photo with Maeser. In the hospital. Post labor about 15 minutes. Yeah, not a fan of that one either.

I was thrilled when a friend offered to draw a picture of us. It was great, she even got the dog. And our cards looked amazing. See below.

But then, post holidays, Abby got a shot. I was so happy to see it. You would never guess it was 5 below from children's expressions. Is it ok to use a family picture that was taken 3 days after Christmas for next year's card?

Thanks Abby.


Scott and Collette said...

Love the family pic! Also loved the Christmas card this year. Turned out awesome.

Bonita said...

Of course it's okay -- as long as you don't have an addition:) What a great photo!