Tuesday, September 27, 2011


We're expecting baby #3, he'll be here in February.


Sarah said...

Hooray! Hopefully he likes to play with girls more than Abe. And hopefully Eliot can win Abe over.

Scott and Collette said...

Yay! Didn't know you already had your ultrasound. Are you even showing yet?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, a "he!" How fun!

Erin said...

Congratulations that's so exciting! When are we going to see you guys again? We miss you!

Michael and Natalie said...


J.C. Brownlow's said...

congrats!!! How are you guys doing?!

Amanda said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

Boons said...

Just catching up on you guys...congrats on #3 coming!! We are excited for you! He will be a great addition to your family!