Tuesday, September 27, 2011


We're expecting baby #3, he'll be here in February.

Fall Twist

We don't have colorful leaves or pumpkins, but we do have apples. Try adding apples and brown sugar to your German pancakes. It was perfect.

Fall Projects

Is anyone else excited for the holidays?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Miss Mary

Mary had so much fun on vacation. She had a really hard time coming home. Daily she would remark how she was never going to leave "this land". My dad asked her what she would do without her toys and friends in Bangkok. She replied that Daddy was going to bring all of her toys back to Utah, and frankly that "she loved her cousins more than her friends." I'm so glad she loves her cousins!
(I didn't get any great pictures of Mary with her cousins, but my sister-in-law did.)
We spent one evening up at Sundance watching the play "Sound of Music". It was so fun to see her hanging out with her older cousins. She really grew up a lot. And acted older around them. She even had to wear a scarf like them.
It got a little cold, but it was so much fun to snuggle.

Mary also loved the Farmer's Market! Here are a few pictures of Mary "helping" Grandpa Skousen with his vegetable stand. He made her feel so important. Thanks Grandpa! She loved it so much we went back the next week and brought all of her cousins with us. I really miss my mom's garden and all the fresh vegetables that come with it. I can't say I miss the hours of weeding I remember doing in high school.

(Those blackberries were delicious, and Abe ate the cherry tomatoes like candy.)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's sad, but true

My children didn't know anything about s'mores.
We had a lot of fun playing in my mom's garden and staying outside ALL DAY LONG. Even having BBQs in the evening. This night we roasted hotdogs and had s'mores. We've since had pretend campfires every evening this week.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Grandpa's Workshop

My dad had projects ready to make with Abe and Mary. Abe made a truck and loved using a real hammer! Mary made a doll bed, which I poorly documented. (read: no pictures.)