Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random Abraham

As Abe was drawing on the floor [directly on the floor] with markers, Mary grabbed a marker and said "Abe, I want to draw too."
Abe stood up and pointed to the coloring books, "Paper."

Abe- "Some. Some."
He doesn't want it, it's chili sauce.
Abe- "Some!"
Ok. I'll just pretend.
Open, pour, shake, snap shut.

"Hat!" (He ran in with the toilet-training seat on his head.)


Unknown said...

So funny. Glad he knows that you need paper. I love the foot model too. Hope you're enjoying having a teenager around too. :)

Chris said...

Clever hat... and at least he KNOWS what to draw on. Now you just need to work on application.

katie said...

Is he old enough to be potty training already? Good for you if so!