this gratitude posting is getting me to the blog more frequently. I'll post pictures tomorrow, I promise.
I am thankful for babies, especially Abraham. Babies are cuddly, make you feel loved and want to be picked up and carried around. I am easily excited around them, everyone cheers when they make even small accomplishments. They laugh easily, are very curious, eat almost anything and don't complain . . . they fall down, bump a head and get back up again. Even though Abraham is walking around with a fat lip and at least 3 visible bruises or bumps on his head he still is persistent. If only I were more like my son ...
I am also thankful for my iphone. It has honestly become an appendage, an entertainment outlet for Mary and a link to Dan. Today Mary wanted to "play a game" on my phone. We called Sam, Hannah, grandma, JJ, Zoe, Caelyn and Zerah, Henry, Derrick, Ann and Ehre. We would have continued to call everyone else on my contact list, but the battery wasn't cooperating. It was a wonderful 30 minute break while M conversed with everyone asking how they were and what they were doing. I took a short nap on the floor between dialing for her. :)
I am thankful for the beautiful snow that welcomed us this morning. As M says "The snowmen are coming, the snowmen are coming." By 8 am, during Abraham's nap, we slipped outside and made our fist snowman. It was freezing, don't ask me why we went out before the sun was even up. After 15 minutes of playing in the snow I wanted to go in to make hot chocolate, I couldn't convince M to come with me so I left her outside. (I tied coaxing, begging, manipulation, blackmail.) By the time she came in her poor hands were freezing inside her gloves. As she was taking off her wet clothes she asked for some HC. We were out! No worries though, Target provided some Stephen's for tomorrow's excursion.
This leads to what I'm thankful for next- Hot Chocolate. Thank you Dallin for my Hot Chocolate maker. I thoroughly enjoyed 2 hot mugs after dinner. I think I'll just go have a few more.
I am thankful for . . . leftovers. Not that I don't love to cook, but sometimes after long afternoons it is just so wonderful to peek in the fridge and serve anything that is still edible. I guess I should throw in that I'm thankful for microwaves with the leftovers. Happy Day.
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