Monday, July 6, 2009


After and hour and a half in line to see the princesses, there were still smiles.
Dan and Abram. Both were good sports.
Amazingly both children took great naps in our awesome stroller!
One of the only pictures we got of Z with his fingers out of his mouth. He's really into pulling faces for the camera.
Sweet Elie. She never falls asleep while being held. Oddly enough she fell asleep during Pirates.

Just a couple pics. More to come.
I love family vacations.


Sarah said...

Is that a smile from JJ? It looks more like a smile turned grimace.

Alyosha said...

Disneyland was so fun! I'm glad other people took pictures, since I just did video that day.....

Maria said...

Very cute!

Liz Green said...

Vacation! I want to go on a family vacation. Looks like you guys had fun.