Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We're not plumbers.

Sprung a leak this weekend. Didn't know about it til Monday night. Kinda ironic, but we lost just about every remaining book. Dan says they all look well used now, but when you can't separate the pages or the ink has run through so you can actually read between the lines, I doubt they are salvageable.
On a happier note, we have insurance and what a blessing it will be. The adjuster and restoration company came today. 3 more weeks til we can get carpet, but maybe we'll be in by Easter.

The extent of our belongings, wholly exposed and soaked.

My poor cook books.

Other things to be thankful for:
the new carpet wasn't in
hadn't moved the washer and dryer yet
didn't order carpet for the storage room, now insurance will pay for it
brothers and parents who can haul your stuff across town multiple times
it was CLEAN water, not sewage
i'm getting a new-2-me phone


AllisonK said...

oh no!!!
sending you dry thoughts!

Sarah said...

This is so sad. I'm so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Alyosha said...

Way to go having insurance. You guys are way more on top of things than I would have been.

Unknown said...

so sorry! We've had similar experiences. We invested in shelves from costco to keep things off the floor, for times like these. They are industrial wire ones. Work like a charm. Good luck drying out.

Amanda said...

Way to count your blessings. Good luck with the repair.