Tuesday, February 10, 2009

He didn't even try it ...

Dan's just not a fan.


Alyosha said...

He didn't try it!?!? Maybe you should save your chef skills for someone who appreciates it, like me.

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

I can't believe he didn't try it either! Two reasons: 1) you are a great cook, so if anyone can make something he doesn't normally care for taste good, it would be you. 2) strawberries, cake and whipped cream--no other explanation needed.

Derrick said...

Lousy, lousy husband. If I were you, I'd trade him in for a new boy.

AllisonK said...

That looks amazing!

I don't just check in for the kids. Your food inspires me!

Amanda said...

Wow! That looks yummy! I don't think I would have shared it!

Derrick said...

Is that trifle to the left? And pudding with Nilla Wafers to the right? Because in that case, Dan may have not be as crazy as he's made out to be.

Dan H said...

exactly, who would eat strawberry short cake when you could have trifle, magnolia's pudding, seconds of trifle, etc?

Sarah said...

I will try it.

Alyosha said...

Even with the trifle, he's still crazy.