Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Christmas Tree

This year we got a tree! It was a lot of work, but definitely worth it.
Dan, Rocky and Spencer went to cut the trees on Saturday. (It is a Juniper tree, kind of like sage brush but taller, it's the kind of tree that you get if you weren't there on they day they sell the regular tree permits.)

When Dan got home with it it was too big for our apartment, so he had to cut a bit off the stump. This is Dan putting on the lights.
Trying to make it stand up.
I started stringing popcorn. Have you ever strung popcorn before? I hadn't. It took a long time. This was my helper. I tried to keep her from eating off my string, but she ate about half. I didn't get anywork done til she went to bed.
An hours worth of work with M's help.
Still helping.
We decorated it the next day. Dan and Mary did a great job.
I helped a little bit.
This is our beautiful tree!

1 comment:

Alyosha said...

It is beautiful! Stringing popcorn is really hard, but it looks so cute!