Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best!

We Moved
After Dan completed his courses at Columbia, and Amy hers at the
French Culinary Institute, our family moved. We now live in Utah
where Dan is working.

3 Becomes 4
Abraham was born on November 8th and is doing great. Mary is a
very proud big sister.

Keep in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
t. 917-318-6671


Amanda said...

Happy New Year! I didn't know you had a blog. I'm excited to be able to keep more in touch. Our blog is Congrats on your new little one. Our babies are only 2 days apart.

Alyosha said...

I love this picture of you guys. Your hair is so cute, Amy!

Mary Jane said...

Hi Dan & Amy! Thanks for keeping in touch and sharing your blog with us. Congratulations on your new little guy! Our family blog is We're glad you guys are back in Utah, we'd love to see you!

Liz Green said...

Back in Utah. Wow! What adventures. You'll have to give us your address in case we are ever in town. It would be fun to see you guys again. Truman and I will be flying in to Utah tomorrow and will be there for 7-10 days,depending on flights.
I love the pictures of Abraham. What a cute little guys.
We miss the BBQing with you two.