We've been a little behind on our blog. Sorry.
I realized I check all the other blogs in hopes of reading something exciting or new or funny; but we've really been slacking on our own. In truth, nothing great has been going on. Nothing very notable or funny, except that Mary can find matching shoes and knocks at the front door every 20 minutes to go outside. Last Saturday we spent more than 3 hours in the park at three different times. Today we ventured out twice. I'm so glad it is warming up. Everything is starting to bloom. My mom is coming into town this weekend and it will be perfect. We'll take some pictures and post them soon, I promise. We don't have any current pictures because we loaned our camera to some friends in the ward, but we just got it back. So we'll take a bunch to make up for the current lack.
Mary is also in a screeching phase, I just told my mom she had finished with it, when she emerged in full eardrum piercing screams again today. It is really getting old fast. Today, both times when packing up to go home from the park, Mary understood we were leaving and broke into hysterics. She has become an expert tantrum thrower. Because all this is fairly new, we didn't know how to handle the monster, but we've decided to just step over the thrashing child and keep walking. (Don't worry, we don't go far. It isn't like we are leaving our child on the street to be picked up by strangers).
On a better note, we've mentioned before how organized our little girl is. We've got more to add to the previous list. When reading she will set her teddy bear up against the crib and then set a book up for him before sitting down with a book herself. When she is also carrying around her dog she'll put him in teddy's lap. This is all very cute. I guess most of the stuffed animals have developed personalities lately because she has begun feeding and jabbering with them. She'll be a good sister in november. These toys also go on frequent walks about the apartment between the walks we make to and from the park. She has a little stroller and lots of handbags (and miscellaneous items she takes to be handbags, we're not really sure where this characteristic comes from, I don't even use a purse, must be from store windows).
School for Dan is quickly winding down; he only has 3 weeks of classes left. We still aren't sure exactly where he will fit into the global industrial complex when he graduates, but the longer he stays out of the workforce the worse the economy looks, so it's probably time he got back to work before things really go downhill. We'll certainly keep this blog current on where we live.
I just realized the announcement that you snuck into this post! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys.
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