Monday, March 24, 2008

An Easter Egg Hunt

It was a great Easter weekend. Though I wasn't prepared for any traditional activities (egg hunts, Easter dresses, Sunday dinner, Easter baskets . . . ) the important thing was that we enjoyed the day together and had some time to think about what we're truly grateful for. Maybe because we weren't busy doing so many other things we really enjoyed Sunday afternoon. The Missionaries came over for dessert, some friends stopped by and we were able to visit with parents. I am so thankful for our little apartment, the friend's we've made, our family, and so very much for the Savior. Ironically I was asked to give the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting. I was so thankful for the chance to collect my thoughts and have a few minutes to focus on His sacrifice and resurrection. I'm grateful for the little reminders we get, like an invitation to pray, to remember and give thanks.
Beyond that, Mary and I have been playing a new game all day . . . re-hiding empty eggs all over the house. She rolls her little doll stroller around to collect the eggs. Very cute.

Mary's first Easter Egg Hunt was this weekend. She displayed vast amounts of intelligence, quick learning and self control. She carefully picked up each of her eggs and didn't take any others. Her eggs were purple with white polka-dots. She found all of them and choose hers even if it was next to another egg, even plain purple ones. I was really impressed.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Scallops. The green sauce was really good. This was actually my favorite. (although to picture it how I saw it, think of the below items after spending 2 hours in a tupperware bouncing around in stroller and on subway, this goes for all of them)A many tentacled sea creature which can grow to disturbing and dangerous proportions, if not prepared thusly:

Some sauces, no artificial coloring (not that they even make puce #7 anyway, that's olive btw):

They're monsters:

But they're tasty monsters (she also did the lobster plate in the background):

Amy attended her last day of class today, and it was especially tasty (at least the leftovers that I got to try were).

Mary's hands

have been growing at an incredible rate.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


lil' helper

Amy bought m. a little broom since she likes sweeping so much. She's a very organized girl. Besides sweeping, she returns her books to the shelf (really) when she's done reading them, she lines up her stuffed animals in a row, and stands with her back to the wall while waiting for the elevator.

Does it taste as good as it looks?

Depends on who you ask. Amy thought the store-bought crust was terrible, but the ones we had the night before, everyone could agree were delicious.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Walk in the park.

We were meeting Jimmy Dell here, to give him "the process", but he never showed. Oh well...

Mary knows how to enjoy Sunday afternoon walks.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Supporting H&H Bagels

We really like the blueberry bagels they have there, so we do our very best to keep them in business.

Note that M. has the same upper lip scrunch as her mom.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008


And some zucchini bread, reserved for anyone who visits us.


This is what Amy did in class on Saturday. They actually don't taste that amazing, but they sure do look nice.