Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Mary's first coherent, correctly used word with intent came Sunday morning.


Derrick said...

My son's first word was "cake"...

Abs said...

That is a darling family photo. Amy, you are so beautiful!

Alyosha said...

I agree, Amy. Your eyebrows look particularly good. Isn't it funny how hard it is to tell if they actually understand what they're saying. I had a hard time convincing Derrick that Caelyn actually meant "ball" (her first word) when she said "ba."

I was just wondering the other day if she was talking yet.

Alyosha said...

By the way, she looks so cute in Caelyn's clothes! I'm glad to see they're getting put to good use, and it's fun to remember Caelyn's outfits.

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

Just to be fair, Dan's eyebrows look good, too.