We had three days off of school and went hiking, park hoping, pseudo-camping (stayed until lights-out), some of us missed church because of colds, did some research, watched Disney + and played boardgames.
I'm working on several intense projects: ASIA Women's Conference, Research and the usual coordinating of events and emotions for the household, and I feel swamped. Add to that that Dan's back is a little stiff and I'm focusing on one day at a time.
Have you ever had insomnia? I'll raise my hand. I've never had a problem sleeping before, even when pregnant I'd just take half a Unisom and be fine, but the last two weeks have been crazy! Originally I thought it was a little anxiety about random things that keep me from falling asleep- kids this and that, doing better tomorrow than today, speaking assignments, traveling... the usual. But those never kept me up for more than an hour or two in the past. After consecutive nights, I realised, it might be something more, like a phase, and most people have had bouts of insomnia long before they were 37! I began to feel thankful that it was finally my turn and just a small thing, and somehow I'd learn to be empathetic of others who deal with this constantly. I'm happy to report I've had two really good nights of sleep and am back to my usual schedule. FYI: after three nights of tossing and turning until 2am, I decided the best approach is meditation and reading. And eventually you fall asleep and don't feel so anxious about not being productive or sleep deprived for the next day.
(Actually, I am very aware of some of the things keeping me up, but didn't disclose them in the letter home. I am nervous about visiting the Congo, about Women's Conference, Maeser's Baptism and having "the talk" with him, about teaching my children correct principles before the rest of the world teaches them something else, about supporting the Primary President in our ward- I'm certain I am the worst counsellor she could ever have drummed up, wanted to do and be better and yet focusing on small incremental changes so that they last and that slowly buy habits are changing, my parenting hazings and skills, learning to control my emotions with teen (pre-teen)-agers, loving more than correcting, teaching more than disciplining. I can go on, an on, and if I'm awake at 1 am I'll give you a detail list of things that make my heart flutter and my blood rush.) I am doing better, I guess sometimes things pile up! I spent the last long night repeating in my head "Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow will take care of it's self." And I've utilised teh sleepless nights with some reading and meditation. All in all, not bad, just sleep deprived.
We're almost through birthday season with Maeser's coming up in a week. Eek! Eight. He wants a double decker cake, night swimming and a family movie. Easy Peasy.
I really appreciate family letters! As I was posting Bonita's last one, I realised she'd already written 130 times! Thats a lot of writing and a lot of time has passed. Only a handful of letters left on their mission. Christy and Ann also write often.
We've made plans to use Wolfcreek at the beginning of our summer break, thank you Bonita and Stewart! We have plans to hike, swim, relax, get over jet-lag and bask in a glorious wilderness. (Something a city of 6 million people has a hard time offering.)