Monday, February 12, 2018

Maeser turned 6!

And the next day, in all seriousness, he said he'd already turned 7. 

He requested donuts, pokemon and we went to the Singapore Airshow on Saturday morning to celebrate. We arrived late, so pulled over at a beach as close to the show as we could get and couldn't have had better seats. The planes flew just off shore- the kids spent 10 minutes watching the show and the remaining 30 minutes playing in the sand while Dan and I awed over the skill of pilots and manoeuvres of powerful machines. 

Love this kid.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dubai 70.3

Epic shot.

Coming out of the swim.

More good excellent food.

Coming round the last bend on the bike.

That long and arduous run.

Another race.

Dubai 70.3

Gorgeous and freezing.

So much good food. I've fallen in love with a salad called fatoush.

Race day.

Wet suits on.

Dropping him off at the starting line. Race day alarms go off at 3 am. Must love him something fierce.

I only kept this one because it is the only one that says "i love you". Ditto. Good luck bud.

Beginning of the run.

And done. (He PR'd.)

Be stronger than your excuses.

It is late Saturday night- for me. Taking a red-eye home after a few days in Dubai, getting home just in time to change and leave for church. We had planned to fly to Ghana, but our visas didn't come we'll try again in April. 

We came for Dan's IM, it was a great little vacation (for those who didn't have to race ðŸ˜‰). 

I am always motivated to reach for bigger goals when I am surrounded by so many high achievers, but then I'm always intimidated by the athletes I pass in the lobby who's biceps are as thick as my neck. I need to be more determined and be realistic about what I want to accomplish. And then I need to be sure I want to achieve it more than I want to do something else, so that the energy I put into it is worth the expenditure.

Outside of the event, we broke bread with Egyptians, Pakastani, Jordanians, Omanis, Filipinos, Bahrainians, Indians and Americans. So many great connections to people. Eating a meal with someone willing to teach you about themselves and their culture is one of my favorite life experiences.  I recommend finding some fatoush and hummus to eat. Dan's post race recovery meal was lamb stomach and beef liver which he enjoyed!

I had a new taxi driver experience and was educated by a Muslim about prayer and how we share the same God. He was almost spitting when he spoke of Indians and their religion of many Gods- Hinduism. 

I'm reading an insightful book this week- One Hundred Birds Taught Me to Fly- written by a poet/author. Loving it.