Sunday, September 10, 2017

This note seemed a bit drab when I was writing it on Saturday, but I've just reread it and feel an immense amount of gratitude. Safety, health, a home, a job, good food, freedom to worship, adorable and kind children (still mouldable), supportive parents and grandparents, comfort, agency, love. So many precious gifts. This has been a great week.

Sundays without Dan are rough. Made worse if it is the first Sunday of the month and half of us are fasting. Against all odds, we survived, breaking our fast a little early and hanging out at Derrick and Julie's house for a couple hours until bed time.

Maeser is adorable, and fairly reverent. Moses is the opposite, adorable also, but we are currently waking him out of the chapel every 7 minutes.

Check out his reverent skillz! Maybe it's the bow tie.

Chillin' with Scout.

She seems so grown up with her own room. So sad.

I probably have a million pictures of this same scene. Same girl- same place. We visit the library weekly, which doesn't satisfy her requests.

After school excursions to the beach means fantastically late bedtimes... but so worth it.

Oh, Mercy.

Ice cream cones. 
Only because Daddy is out of town and didn't have VETO power.

But Dan did return with a years supply of my favorite chocolate.

FHE family history moment. Excellent job, Mary.

Dan's quick trip was still long enough to catch a few early breakfasts with Grandma and Grandpa and mom and dad. Grandpa sent back some of his freeze dried fruit for us to try. It's like candy! 

Besides the turkeys, Dan spent his time with an active owl and some critter who decided to move into our air ducts in the cabin.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Books we're reading:
Dan- The New Koreans, The Devil and Margarita
Amy- We were the Lucky Ones, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Mary- Among the Hidden
Abe- What If 
Maeser- Calvin and Hobbes

My 15 minute wait for the kids to wake turned into a 2 hour nap in the car.

Abe made a boat during lunch bunch. We'll float it tonight in the pool.

Moses learned how to "cheese" for the camera.

Scout, "Mom, Am I 5 now?"
"No, you have to wait for two birthdays."
In exasperation, "But, all the birthdays are not coming... I only had one birthday!"

Perks of living up the street from Derrick and Julie.

Mary's new skillz.

Dan is back in UT for a lightning fast trip. The night before leaving he asked the children what he should bring back. 
Abe- "Hyrum!"
Mary- "My owl skirt that I left at the cabin."
Maeser- "Presents!"